My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1249 Gu Junyan is miserable

Chapter 1249 Gu Junyan is miserable

Ye Chuchen couldn't help laughing at the thought of those old bastards trying to get rid of themselves, only to find that their faces had already been recorded.

It's been a long time since I've enjoyed this feeling of three sisters uniting together!
"By the way, let me introduce you, this is Gu Junyan."

After being introduced by his wife by name, Gu Junyan found himself a little nervous for the first time.

Even when dealing with Huangfu Gongchen and Emperor Qianzhong, no matter how dangerous things were, he never felt nervous, but at this moment, Gu Junyan's heartbeat was inexplicably fast for the two sisters-in-law introduced to him by name by his wife .

Suppressing the excitement of becoming a family with his wife's two sisters, Gu Junyan had already stood up when he saw Ling Tianye, Ye Chuchen and his two sisters-in-law.Hearing Madam's words at this moment, the gentleman hurriedly showed a very warm smile to the two of them without losing his handsomeness.

Just as he was about to greet his sister-in-law, Ling Tian spoke up first.

"Ah, I know! Feng Yun told me that you are my cousin, right? I heard that my mother and your mother are sisters, so you are my cousin! Cousin Junyan, Hello!"

Gu Junyan smiled slightly, looking at Ling Tian with soft eyes.

To be honest, after the battle 20 years ago, he never expected to have a real relative in this world.

But since he contacted Feng Yun through Xiao'er, he realized that not only he has senior brothers, but also many relatives who are related to him are still alive, and even his closest sister is still alive in this world. He wanted to rush to Ling Tian, ​​hold her in his arms, and enjoy his brother's addiction.

You must know that although the Gu family is an extremely large family, the lineage of their main family is sparsely populated.

The Gu family rose from his grandfather's generation. Whether it was his grandfather or his father, they all adhered to the principle of being a couple for life.His grandfather only had two sons, his father and his uncle, and his father had only one son like him.The devotion of the men in the Gu family led to the thinning of the whole family.So to Gu Junyan, although Ling Tian is his aunt's daughter and his cousin, she is also his only sister.

So for this only younger sister, Gu Junyan fell in love with it almost at first glance.

This is his sister!
Facing Ling Tian, ​​Gu Junyan can be said to have exhausted the most gentle state in his life. His gentleness at this moment can be said to be the gentleness he treats Xiaoer when there is no one else.

After all, this is the sister he wanted so much.When his aunt was pregnant, he was nagging all day long about the sister he wanted.

At this moment when Ling Tian called him cousin Junyan, Gu Junyan felt as if he had eaten honey, and smiled, which dazzled Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen's eyes.

"Tian'er, I have only one son in the Gu family, and you have only one daughter in the Ling family. Although we are cousins, our relationship is like a brother and sister. So from now on, can you call me brother?"

Faced with Gu Junyan's brazen question, Ling Tian chuckled and didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, but said in a somewhat embarrassed way: "But what should I do, my brother is Feng Yun, and I'm already used to being called like this. Brother, how did you two separate?"

Gu Junyan was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he nodded: "Well, this is indeed a problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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