My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1251 The sought-after big sister

Chapter 1251 The sought-after big sister
After all, it is a divine beast. After turning into a human, with its slender and tall body and its unattractive appearance, if you don't compare it with temperament, but only with its appearance, it instantly throws Gu Junyan, a handsome human, by the street.

"How about Huahua, handsome?"

Hua Lixiao's eyes were dazzled by Mu Hun, she never thought that this little brother-in-law was so good-looking.

"En." Hua Lixiao nodded vigorously.

Just so handsome!

Hua Lixiao, the face control person, was attracted to Gu Junyan at first because Gu Junyan was good-looking and had a good figure.All the feelings are actually based on Gu Junyan's two sex.Although she suffered a loss in those two times, I have to say, especially in the second time, she enjoyed it.

Feelings and so on, it was also because of that most intimate contact that I began to have them slowly.It is said that men have sex because of sex, and women have sex because of love. In fact, this kind of statement is wrong.Sex and love actually go hand in hand.

This can be seen from the fact that the three sisters are all face control.

Gu Junyan saw that his wife's eyes lit up when she saw other men, and she felt bad all of a sudden.

Just as he was stretching out his hand to hold his wife's hand and recognize his brother-in-law with his wife, Ling Tian spoke again.

"Huahua, Muhun is not the only one who is handsome. This is Quan Moying, the lord of the Netherworld, and he is a unicorn beast. These are the three deacons of the Netherworld, the Dragon Curse, the Dragon Phase and the Dragon Seal. They are the beasts. Bi An."

After all, Ling Tian asked Quan Moying and the others to change back to their original appearance.

Quan Moying held back the black line on one end, and changed back to its original appearance.He said he brought them to see the senior sister, why did he feel like being betrayed?
He felt like a valet, and this woman was the bustard in the valet.

Hua Lixiao was amazed by these four beasts.

"So, are divine beasts really different from ordinary humans?"

Simply handsome!The four faces are simply stunning.

Gu Junyan: ...! !

I really regret taking my wife to meet my cousin and sister-in-law in private.Out of the soldier's keen intuition, he felt that his relatives and sister-in-law were full of malice towards him, what should we do?
At this moment, his senior brother is not there, and his wife is not on his side. Gu Junyan has a sad feeling of being bullied by three women.

Not to mention Mu Hun, the younger sister and sister-in-law actually found three other men who were more handsome than him to hang out in front of his wife, deliberately annoyed him.

Although he knew it was intentional by the two ladies, he was really angry, what should I do?
"Call Big Sister!"

Quan Moying: ...Why do you want him to call a little girl the big sister?

Dragon Curse: "Big Sister!"

Long Xiang: "Hi, big sister!"

Long Yin: "Sister, I heard Xiao Tian'er mention you before, saying how beautiful you are, seeing you today really opened the eyes of the three of us brothers."

After Hua Lixiao was praised by such a handsome guy, she was excited, even her usually cold face couldn't help but smile happily after hearing Long Yin's sweet praise at this moment.

"Eldest sister, although I am already a dead beast, I have a spirit body. You may not know that even after death, a divine beast can re-gather its spirit. We are the divine beasts that have already re-gathered their spirits. Elder sister, are you still young?" I'm so young, so I don't have a husband yet, right? I'm also single, if my eldest sister doesn't mind, I...hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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