Chapter 1252

Hearing that Long Yin shamelessly began to sell himself, Long Xiang immediately said: "Eldest sister, I am not married either, so far I am single."

"Sister, I should look better than my two younger brothers in terms of appearance and temperament. I'm also single."

Hua Lixiao: ...! ! !Facing the enthusiastic three brothers of the Long family, Huahua's face was full of embarrassment.

So Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Chen didn't tell these little friends about her getting married?
"She's already married, and her husband is me!"

It was unbearable! ! !
Gu Junyan was so annoyed by those beasts who secreted hormones regardless of the occasion, that he no longer wanted to maintain a superficial smile. With a cold face, he stood in front of Hua Lixiao and swore his sovereignty.

"Huh? Eldest sister is already married? But Tian'er and Xiao Yezi haven't told us yet!"

"That's right, we asked about it yesterday. Tian'er and Xiao Yezi said that when Huahua comes, we can each rely on our own abilities, and even the lord doesn't have to give way."

The three brothers of the Long family have lost their minds. Even though Gu Junyan is very depressed at the moment, when facing a female that can be pursued, as long as Ling Tian doesn't shake his head, the three of them will sharpen their heads and prepare to go in front of Huahua. Does she have a husband?

All three of them had a good plan, as long as the master didn't recognize Gu Junyan as brother-in-law, they would have a chance.

Think about it, if one day you can become the brother-in-law of the master Xiao Tian'er, how awesome and exciting it would be?

"That's because my little sister didn't tell you, so you don't know. Now that you have said this, let me introduce officially. I am Hua Lixiao's husband, and Hua Lixiao is the wife I am marrying. If you want to find a wife, I can introduce you, but Xiaoer can't, Xiaoer is my wife!"

"Huahua, when did you get married? Why didn't I know? Didn't it be agreed that you have to be with me, Xiaotian, to get married?"

Gu Junyan: ... What does my sister-in-law mean by that?Don't recognize him? !
"Look at my brother-in-law, even though he has been engaged to Xiao Tian'er in front of me, and I call him brother-in-law, but because of your absence, Xiao Tian'er and brother-in-law haven't married yet. So yours doesn't Forget it, Xiao Tian’er and I were not present, so the marriage is void. When you and him hold another one, and Xiao Tian’er and I participate, that’s all!”

Gu Junyan: ...! ! !
Where did he do wrong to make his little sister and sister-in-law hate him so much?

Gu Junyan's whole body is not well!

"Hey, did you hear that? Your marriage doesn't count, you didn't pass the test of Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Yezi, so Senior Sister Hua is the senior sister of all of us, and we all still have a chance!"

Gu Junyan frowned.

"Stop your thoughts! Xiao'er is my life, if you want to snatch Xiao'er from me, then step over my corpse."

Really, what kind of friends and relatives are these?
It is simply inferior to the enemy!
A group of robbers!
After all, Gu Junyan didn't care about that much anymore, he took a step and walked in front of Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen, and said very seriously: "Tian'er, sister-in-law, although I don't know why you guys don't like me so much, but I have a lot of respect for Tian I swear, my heart for Xiao'er is true. We are a family now, and we spend more time together in the future, and you will gradually know what kind of person I am."

(End of this chapter)

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