Chapter 1253

"The marriage between Xiaoer and me was decided by the emperor of Xizhou, Huangfu Gongchen. At that time, Xiaoer and I couldn't choose. If you don't agree with that marriage, you can choose another date. Xiaoer and I will meet again with your blessings." Have a wedding.

Regardless of whether you agree or not, Xiaoer has become my wife no matter in name or in reality.But one of you is my younger sister, the other is my sister-in-law, and you are also sisters who grew up with Xiaoer since childhood. I still sincerely hope to get your blessing and approval. about I reschedule a good and auspicious date and hold a new wedding with Xiao'er? "

Gu Junyan's attitude can be said to be neither humble nor overbearing, not only expressing his position, but also fully respecting Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen.

To tell the truth, no matter whether it is Ling Tian or Ye Chuchen, they all agree with this person's uprightness in their hearts at this moment.

But they agree intellectually, but they disagree emotionally.

Even though Gu Junyan is Ling Tian's cousin, he still treats Huahua very well now, but they never forget that when the three of their sisters were in trouble, both Feng Yun and Mu Hun behaved very well, only Gu Junyan did it well. very bad.

Gu Junyan took out a book from the space ring, which recorded auspicious days, and looked at the closest day to this moment, Gu Junyan said: "Three days later, it will be an auspicious day, and I will be in front of you three days later." , How about marrying your senior sister again?"

"No way!" Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen objected at the same time without even thinking about it.

Gu Junyan's complexion also darkened because of this: "Tian'er, I'm your brother! Brother!"

Ling Tian chuckled and said, "Big cousin, I know I'm close to you! But one is one, and the other is two, we can't get mixed up, right? Did Huahua tell you that I'm actually an onmyoji? In our place, as long as anyone who knows me, anyone who gets married will first ask for my opinion. Although the time you chose just now is good, it is not suitable for you and Huahua. So I will solve this matter Bar."

Gu Junyan's face softened slightly: "It turns out that the time is wrong. Then what time is right?"

"It must be the right time, place and people. Only the combination of these three elements can be a truly auspicious day, understand? So we don't need to rush this matter."

Gu Junyan was about to be tricked to death by Ling Tian.

The younger sisters of other people's families are all his brother's caring little padded jackets, so why is his younger sister a little wolf cub who specializes in tearing down his brother's platform?

Fortunately, he loved her so much when she was not born, and talked to her through his aunt's belly every day.Such a deep brother-sister friendship is simply useless.

Besides, this topic could no longer be discussed, Gu Junyan immediately changed his approach.

"Let's discuss another wedding later."

After all, Hua Lixiao was already his wife, and they were already sleeping in the same bed.Although it was only a short time ago, it is already a fact.So no matter whether these two little girls admit it or not, it will not affect the relationship and life between him and his wife.

"This is the first time we have met, I have prepared a small gift for you, I hope you will like it."

He had specifically consulted his senior brother about preparing the gift. Even if the younger sister didn't like him, his senior brother would definitely not cheat him.

(End of this chapter)

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