Chapter 1256

"Of course. When I took out the fragments of the Demon Sealing Tablet just now, you did call me big brother."

"Who said that? Why don't I remember? This is impossible. You are not my own brother, but a cousin. How can I bark?"


Gu Junyan was extremely aggrieved, looked at Hua Lixiao, and said in a secret voice: "My real sister, your little junior sister, why is this? She called me big brother just now, why did she draw a line with me again?" ?”

Hua Lixiao didn't care about the sweet relationship between husband and wife in the past month, and gave Gu Junyan a helpless look, and said very irresponsibly: "Is there? I think you may have heard it wrong."

Gu Junyan: ...! ! !
He really understood.

Xiao'er, Tian'er and Xiao Chen'er, this is what they did before punishing him!Don't let him shed a layer of skin, I'm afraid I can't get away with this matter.

"By the way, when are you going to the Netherworld?"

Seeing that Gu Junyan was almost bullied, Hua Lixiao changed the subject.The reason why they came here half a month earlier and deliberately concealed their whereabouts was because they had received news from Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen that someone in the Nether Realm was using the spirit-guiding array.

"Huahua, do you really know this spirit-inducing formation? Quan Moying told us that this spirit-inducing formation is a formation in the fairy world. To activate this formation, you must use a fairy weapon to do it. Even if the old man taught you a lot Formation, he can't even teach you the fairy formation, right?"

Facing Ling Tian's question, Hua Lixiao smiled slightly: "Although Master didn't teach me the formation in the fairy world, the formation book he passed on to me contains an introduction to the spirit-leading formation."


"Then how did it break?"

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen's eyes lit up, followed by Quan Moying and the three Long brothers.

Before Ling Tian told them that Hua Lixiao should know this kind of formation, they didn't believe it. After all, even if they knew the formation again, how could a mortal know how to destroy the fairy formation.

But now that they heard that Hua Lixiao really knew this formation, apart from being shocked, all they had left was ecstasy.

"The spiritual formation is a very powerful formation. The situation you mentioned before should be that the person who set up the formation is not strong enough, and there are not enough resentful spirits, so only a few places will suffer. The real spirit Once the grand formation is triggered, let alone the Netherworld, even the entire Hunyuan Continent will suffer."

Quan Moying said excitedly: "Yes, that's true! You really know this formation very well! Then do you know how to break it?"

Hua Lixiao frowned slightly: "Yes, I understand, but if you want to crack the spirit-leading formation, you need to set up another formation, and use a special cracking method to destroy the eyes of the spirit-leading formation."

"Then do you understand that kind of formation?" Ling Tian asked.


"Then it's fine, we're going to the Nether Realm today, and we'll deal with this matter first."

"Wait, no!"

Hua Lixiao stopped Ling Tian's impulse and summoned his spirit beast.

"Huahua, your spirit beast is actually a turtle? It's really strange. Is it very powerful?"

After all, Huahua is the one with the most orthodox thinking among the three sisters, but her behavior is deviant.She can contract the slowest tortoise to be a spirit beast, which is something that Ye Chuchen would not believe even if she killed Ye Chuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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