Chapter 1257 Xuanwu
"God beast!"

As divine beasts, Quan Moying and the three Long brothers recognized the identity of the spirit turtle in front of them at the first glance.


As Muhun's voice slowly sounded, the expressions of everyone present changed from shock to shock.

"This... is this Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts?"

"My darling!"

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen were shocked.

They said how Huahua could randomly contract a turtle to be a spirit beast.Combat scum, speed slag.Although there are many spirit turtles in this world, almost no one would contract them as their own spirit beasts.

Gu Junyan couldn't help but patted his wife on the shoulder.

He is the one who knows best how the emperor followed his wife. Even the beasts are waiting for his wife to appear, which is enough to prove how amazing his wife is!
He is proud of his wife!

"It turns out that he is Xuanwu, no wonder he is so powerful!"

At this moment, Hua Lixiao felt that she had gotten lucky.

Suddenly, a white light flashed between Ling Tian's eyebrows, and Xiao Bai rushed out from the space.

Xiaobai's figure has grown a lot, and he looks like a handsome little white tiger.

The approach of Xiaobai and Muhun, although the emperor could no longer remember the familiar scent on their bodies, it could resonate strongly with their aura.

For a moment, a piece of cyan, a piece of white, and a piece of brown-yellow light lit up from them, reflecting each other in the void.

Fortunately, Gu Junyan has already set up an enchantment here, otherwise, although these three rays of light are not too strong, they are still enough to startle the people within a radius of one kilometer.

Gu Junyan looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

She felt that her wife was powerful enough, but now after seeing her younger sister and sister-in-law, he realized that these three girls are simply heaven's darlings!
The divine beasts that had long since disappeared in this world are now almost completely surrounded by these girls.

His senior brother, the phoenix and the guards of the four great phoenix beasts, the legendary unicorn and quan guarding the underworld, plus the current green dragon, white tiger and basalt...

It seems that apart from Suzaku, all the gods and beasts of the world are surrounded by these girls.

But after thinking about it, Xiaoer, younger sister and sister-in-law of his family are the direct disciples of Daoist Master Tongtian!
He said that Taoist Master Tongtian must not be an ordinary person, and now it seems that he is indeed very unusual.

He didn't believe that the current fate of the three girls had nothing to do with Daoist Tong Tian.Even if what happened in the Hunyuan Continent has nothing to do with Daoist Tongtian, at least a few girls can achieve what they are today, thanks to Daoist Tongtian.

There is no unparalleled road in the sky, and Gu Junyan deeply understands this.

Although he was still disgusted by his younger sister and sister-in-law at the moment, Gu Junyan felt very happy.

Sure enough, as long as you can be with your family, everything is happy.

The three rays of light suddenly disappeared, and the room returned to calm again.The Great Emperor and Xiaobai have already turned into human forms.

Xiao Bai, who was only a few years old at first, now looks like a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, much taller than Ling Tian.

And the Great Emperor is just a five or six-year-old boy, fleshy like a boy in a New Year painting, cute and cute.

He looked at Hua Liming happily: "Sister, I have found my brothers."

Hua Lixiao had seen the emperor's appearance a long time ago, and now she couldn't help but pampered the emperor's head and said with a smile, "Congratulations, the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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