Chapter 126
"Aren't you afraid that I'm from the sect?" Ling Tian asked.

"Hahahaha..." Wan Binhai laughed, and looked at Ling Tian contemptuously from top to bottom: "Little girl, there are people in the capital who can sit in today's position! The capital has gathered Baiyunzong and Qijue recently." People from the Qijue sect, and even the head of the whip sect of the Qijue sect, is leading a group of disciples to practice in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range.

But do you think this officer will believe that you are Miss Mu's family?And he, this humble guard next to you, could he be the son of the Wu family? "

Facing Wan Binhai's provocation, Ling Tian just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Aren't you deaf? Hurry up and arrest me!"

Seeing a group of lowly officers and soldiers trying to tie Ling Tian with a rope, Di Wushang, who has been cooperating with acting, was not happy.

His little princess, he held it in his mouth for fear of melting, and held it in his palm for fear of falling. How dare this group of ants tie her up?

The whole cabin was instantly chilly, Ling Tian had no doubts, as long as these ropes were tied to this arrogant phoenix, all these people would die.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll go with you to the prison. But Wan Chengshou, you have to think about it, sometimes it's easier to ask the gods than to send them away! Let's go!"

Wan Binhai frowned slightly, Ling Tian's words gave him a bad premonition.

Could it be...she is really a member of the Four Sects?

Wan Binhai sorted out the news he had received from beginning to end, and then looked at the hands she and the guard around her were holding all the time. After confirming that the woman in front of him was definitely not from the sect, he felt relieved.

As for the people in the imperial court, Wan Binhai didn't think about it at all.

Which senior official's woman would dare to hold hands with the guards in such a large crowd?If this kind of insulting family style is spread, it will be soaked in a pig cage!

Fortunately, Wan Binhai did not insist on letting the officers and soldiers tie them up and leave.

As long as Ling Tian doesn't suffer, Di Wushang will be patient.Followed Ling Tian all the way to the prison.

At this moment, Wan Fanghua had already put medicine on her face and put on a veil.Thinking of the doctor telling her that her face was completely ruined, and even if the injury healed, there would be obvious scars, the hatred in Wan Fanghua's heart set off a huge wave of hatred.

As soon as they heard that the two of Ling Tian had been arrested, they immediately rushed into the cell, intending to tear the two of Ling Tian's corpses into tens of thousands of pieces.

At this time, Wan Binhai was having someone prepare instruments of torture, intending to carry out the punishment.

"Bitch! You've finally been caught! You damn bitch, you've completely ruined my face!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was taking his own Phoenix to experience life in the cell, saw Wan Fanghua rushing over, cast her a glance, and cursed: "Idiot!"

Wan Fanghua froze, and then her whole body trembled with anger.


Xiaobai suddenly pointed his butt at Wan Fanghua, and with a "poof", the poop that had been brewing all night finally came out.

Wan Fanghua only felt that something had hit the wound on his cheek hard. After the burning pain, he looked at the shit on the ground and felt bad.

"Ahhh——I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you! Come, someone, catch that stinky tiger for me, and this lady will strangle it to death with her own hands!"

At this moment, in Wan Fanghua's eyes, where is there still love for Xiaobai?
If it wasn't for this stinky tiger, she wouldn't have been disfigured.

Her whole life was ruined by this stinky tiger!
Someone entered the cell and carried Xiao Bai away from Ling Tian's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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