My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 127 I'm called a pariah

Chapter 127 I'm called a pariah
Ling Tian didn't stop him, he just gave Xiao Bai instructions with the power of his soul.

Seeing that Ling Tian didn't stop, Wan Fanghua's heart that had been twisted by the beating was relieved by revenge.

"Hmph, bastard, you finally know how to be afraid when you are about to die, right? If you had given this beast to Miss Ben earlier, why would I have been disfigured by you? How could this beast have been strangled to death by Miss? Now , I will let you watch this beast struggle before death."

After finishing speaking, he snatched Xiaobai from the officer's hand, and pinched it by the neck.



Suddenly there was a scream, and Xiao Bai turned into a white light and rushed into Ling Tian's arms again.But Wan Fanghua was screaming and covering her hands at the moment, the blood was flowing like an open tap, and she couldn't stop it.

"Fanghua!" Wan Binhai yelled and rushed over.

When Wan Fanghua took his hand away, everyone present gasped.

Wan Fanghua's right hand now has only a little flesh attached to the arm, and the entire wrist has been completely bitten off.


Wan Fanghua saw that she was not only disfigured, but completely disabled, she screamed and passed out.

"!!!" Wan Binhai pointed at Ling Tian, ​​trembling with anger.

Ling Tian shrugged his shoulders: "Lord City Guard, you also saw that she herself said that she would strangle my beast pet, and she is going to strangle it to death, why don't you allow my beast pet to resist? ? Lord City Guard, I'm curious, you are just a fifth-rank official, in the capital, your level is not even as good as a fart, what qualifications does your daughter have to be so arrogant and ignore anyone?"

Ling Tian's words caused a trace of fear to flash in the city guard's eyes: "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm nobody, I'm just a pariah. It's just that I don't like the city guard being so arrogant."

"Hmph! You ruined my daughter, and you still dare to speak sarcastic words. Compared with me, you are even worse, girl! Come, someone, put these two people on the rack for me!"


Six burly cell officers and soldiers opened the cell door, but as soon as they stepped in, they were blown out by a strong wind, hit the stone pillar behind and spurted a big mouthful of blood.

Now, Chengshou Wan Binhai was completely dumbfounded.

He is just a fifth-rank official of the dynasty. When has he seen such a strong warrior?Relying on spiritual power, he directly blows the person away without even making a move, and directly seriously injured him.

He could tell that the extremely ordinary-looking guard was definitely not simple.

"You... who the hell are you?"

"Ordinary people."

"What's your name?"

"The untouchable in your daughter's mouth is not worth mentioning." Ling Tian bit this and refused to let it go. "

Wan Binhai is not an idiot either. Seeing this scene, he also knew that Ling Tian could never be an ordinary person.

His face turned slightly pale, and he felt that he might really kick the iron plate, so he didn't know what to do for a while, so he turned around and left.

Even the door of the cell was not shut.

With such a powerful bodyguard, this woman is definitely not someone to mess with. At this moment, the city guard thought it would be good to let Ling Tian and the others escape.

But thinking of what Ling Tian said on the boat before, "It's easier to invite God than to send God away", Wan Binhai's bad premonition gradually expanded.

The past few years have passed so smoothly, making him less vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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