My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1263 Accept the move

Chapter 1263 Accept the move
So Ling Tian is already very satisfied with the soul, and has nothing else to ask for.

Although she has a mysterious female body, her cultivation speed is fast, and she is born with no bottlenecks, but no matter how fast her cultivation speed is, she can't stand her low starting point!
Although she can advance two levels in a month on average, no matter how she rises, she is currently only a rookie at Huang Lingsheng's eighth level.

Facing the enemy who is already above the peak of Lingzun, she can only look up.

Facing her beloved being imprisoned, not only can she not help, but she can only hide away so as not to cause trouble to him.

Although Feng Yun kept in touch with her Yu Jian every day, Ling Tian knew what kind of person Feng Yun was.

He will always put her and her affairs first.

Is there any important thing that will prevent him from returning to Dongzhou after he escaped from Emperor Qianzhong's surveillance?Is there anything more important than him appearing in front of her and actually telling her that she is safe?

Although she responded to him easily, in fact, during this period of time, there was a heavy stone weighing on her in her heart, which made her very sad.

Her Phoenix must have been trapped in Central Continent.

Although he didn't say it, she knew it.

So how valuable the increase in strength is to her!
10% of the spiritual power of each dead soul can be used to increase her force, what kind of concept is this?
The concept is that she hopes that there will be more evil dogs under Cheng Shitian. Although she is only at the level of Huang Lingsheng, dealing with warriors and dealing with soul bodies are two different things for her. There is a way to do it, let alone the souls of the nether world.

If Cheng Shitian's gang can be wiped out, her upgrade speed will definitely be fast!
In addition, Ling Tian was also shocked by the sixth layer of "Shenlong Zhanjue".

Eye Dragon Art!

This is the sixth level of the "Shenlong Zhanjue" small perfection method.

The Eye Dragon Jue is related to the sword eyes of the sword energy she emits.

The sword qi she draws can be split into six sword qi according to the consciousness of the soul, and each sword qi is a golden dragon.

Everyone knows that the dragon is the head of the beasts, and its hardness, defense and attack power are the king of all beasts.

Originally, her sword energy can be transformed into a dragon shape, and the six-way dragon shape that can change the attack direction is already awesome enough.After all, wherever a dragon passes, it will bring the cheating skills of gravity superposition, which doubles the gravity of the attacker.

However, at this level, the Jinglong Jue can also cause Shenlong's eyes to emit two laser beams.

Ling Tian felt that he might be dreaming!

"Flying wolf, accept!"

Ling Tian didn't dare to ask Xiao Bai to come.After all, this technique is too cheating.Even though she knew that Xiaobai's current strength must be much higher than hers, but for the sake of Xiaobai's life, Ling Tian still regarded the spirit beast Flying Wolf in her space as a guinea pig.

"Sister, every time you have to exclude me, how do you want me to be the boss in this space?"

Flying Wolf was about to move his body, but Xiao Bai rushed towards Ling Tian like a beam of light, with a look of excitement and dissatisfaction.

What is dissatisfied is that the other masters have only one spirit beast or phantom, or phantom beast throughout their lives, only his sister is born different, killing a bad guy will imprint his own mark on the soul of the other party, so that Those spirit beasts, phantom spirits, or phantom beasts that hadn't had time to terminate their contracts with their masters all became hers.

(End of this chapter)

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