My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1264 Fighting with Xiaobai

Chapter 1264 Fighting with Xiaobai

In this way, she made a fortune quietly and silently without anyone noticing, and now the number of spirit beasts, phantom spirits, and phantom beasts in the space has reached 117 (person/only).

The spirit beasts of other people's homes are all the master's treasures, and they are all taken by the master to upgrade together.Fortunately, he has become a housekeeper at a young age.You have to manage the norms and cultivation of all spirit beasts, phantom spirits, and phantom beasts in your sister's space.

Fortunately, the spiritual power in the space is much more abundant than the spiritual power in ordinary human spirits, otherwise Xiao Bai really felt aggrieved.

It's clearly a divine beast, but it doesn't get my sister's attention.No matter what happens around my sister, her brother-in-law will make decisions for her, and it is simply not his turn to be a little beast.

But at the moment he is also very excited.

Because my sister's space is really against the sky.

The exercises practiced by my sister are even more against the sky.

Once these exercises are accepted by my sister, the spirit beasts, phantom spirits, and phantom beasts in the space can all learn through the martial arts cheats they have purchased.

He also learned "Shenlong Battle Art"!
Now he is stronger than his sister, but her sister has acquired such powerful skills, so he must accompany her to practice, so that her sister will not look down on him.

"Xiaobai, are you sure you really want to come? Swords have no eyes!"

Although in the space, she can use her spiritual sense to control the strength of the attack, but if the sword energy is too fast, she is also afraid that Xiaobai will be injured.

"Sister, don't look down on me. Use your true talents to learn! I have also learned "Shenlong Zhanjue", and I have already learned the third level of Flying Dragon Jue."

"Then see the trick!"

The corner of Ling Tian's lips curled up into a sinister smirk, and he raised the sword transformed with spiritual power in his hand to attack Xiao Bai.


The person who was still in front of Xiaobai suddenly had a phantom, and before the phantom disappeared, Ling Tian was already behind Xiaobai.

With a swing of the sword, the golden dragon of six paths whizzed out from the blade, striking Xiaobai directly with a destructive aura.

However, Xiaobai didn't care about the attacks of the six golden dragons at all, he jumped forward and rushed towards his front like lightning.

With a cracking sound, the illusion was shattered.

Relying on the induction with Xiao Bai, Ling Tian teleported and easily dodged Xiao Bai's attack.

Looking at the shattered illusion, Ling Tian was a little dumbfounded.

"Xiaobai, you are dishonest, didn't you say that you are only at the peak level of the Green Spirit Saint?"

"Sister, that was already half a month ago. I am now at the Qinglinghuang level."

Ling Tian: ...! !I have a good heart.

"Why is your upgrade speed much faster than mine?"

Ling Tian found that since Xiaobai got the soul, the speed of cultivation was like riding a rocket, and she couldn't even catch up.

"Because I'm a beast."

Xiaobai's answer is simple.

"But I'm also a Xuanyin female body. Didn't my brother say that the Xuanyin female body is the fastest among human fighters, and it may even be a little faster than the five-spirit body."

"You also said that it is a human warrior. I am not a human warrior, I am a beast! Now that I have my own inheritance, the speed of cultivation will naturally be much faster."

"Then according to what you say, shouldn't my brother be faster? Why doesn't his spiritual power increase as fast as yours?"

When Feng Yun left, his spiritual power was only at the second level of Lingzun. He really felt sad just thinking about Ling Tian, ​​and he was sweating for his trip to Central Continent.

(Christmas Eve, I wish everyone safe and sound, and everything goes well! Ask for a wave of monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!)


(End of this chapter)

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