My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1276 The Loyalty

Chapter 1276 The Loyalty
The few souls who were scared to run away all fled towards a castle.It wasn't until he saw the hidden castle that Quan Moying killed those minions who thought they hadn't been discovered and were trying to escape.

Ming Die, who had been with these minions for a long time, flew back to Ling Tian again.

"This pure soul power is really comfortable. As long as you sit here and chat with your brothers, your strength will increase."

"That's not right! I used to be a martial artist at the level of the Qingling Emperor, but after I died, I came to the Netherworld. Even if I have the blessing of Mo Ying, my strength is only back to the junior spirit king. It's been 200 years. The strength is only at the level of the third-level spirit king. But in the past six months, my spiritual power has been raised from the third-level spirit king to the second-level Qingling emperor. Not to mention in the netherworld, even in the human world, such an improvement It's also completely impossible."

"In three days, the formation will be upgraded. After the upgrade, the formation will be able to absorb the souls of warriors from the human world at the level of holy spirits. You know, the soul power of a green spirit saint is stronger than that of a thousand spirit kings." His soul power is much stronger. At that time, we just sit here, and it won’t be long before we can become phantom spirits at the spirit level.”

Speaking of the upgrade three days later, all the phantoms gathered in the castle hall showed longing looks on their faces.

"The lord gave me a second life, we must remember the kindness of the lord, and repay the lord well!"

"That's right! I won't obey anyone, I will obey the lord. So from now on, this nether world will be the nether world of the lord. Quan Moying will either continue to curl up in the human world, but as long as he dares to return to the nether world, I will first The one who refuses to agree will be the first to kill him!"



"Not bad!"


Unlike the patrolling soldiers outside the city, the people in the castle were all gathered in one hall at this moment.

Before entering the castle, Ling Tian used the power of the butterfly to bless everyone with a spell, so that this evil power could not corrode their souls.

Seeing the faintly pure spiritual power gushing into the air of the hall, and then being quickly absorbed by the dumpling-like soul body, Ling Tian frowned tightly.

"Huahua, I can see that evil soul power filling this space, and these people are all absorbing this power. Every time they absorb some of it, their soul power will become stronger. Could it be that here is also the same as that? Does it matter if you are in a large formation?"

Hua Lixiao nodded: "That formation transmits most of the soul power to the central formation, which is only a branch at the end of the formation. Based on my perception of this formation, there is not enough soul power here. Teleport to one-thousandth of the central formation."

Less than one-thousandth of it can make a phantom of the spirit king level become a warrior of the Qingling emperor level in just three months.

This kind of advancement speed is simply faster than the advancement speed of the Xuanyin female body and the five spirit body in the human world.Even compared to the promotion speed of the beasts, it is even worse.

"It's no wonder that Cheng Shitian has the idea of ​​not only ruling the Netherworld, but also the entire human world. As long as this big formation exists for one more day, it can cultivate a large wave of loyalists for him."

Ling Tian's words irritated Quan Moying so much.

(End of this chapter)

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