Chapter 1277

Although these people are all damned, before Cheng Shitian entered the Netherworld, they were all citizens of the Netherworld, and they were phantoms much simpler than humans.

But thinking about the Netherworld in the past, and looking at the phantoms now, Quan Moying would rather not have the pure power that Ling Tian put in the space than see his people become what they are now.

Of the hundreds of people in the main hall at this moment, the worst ones are phantoms above the level of the Green Spirit Saint, who are rare and powerful forces in the Netherworld.

How wonderful would it be if these phantoms of power could become the power to protect the prosperity of the Netherworld?

Ye Chuchen patted Quan Moying on the shoulder: "Okay, be happy. Anyway, they are all people who must die, but each of them can transfer 10% of their power to us. This business is sure to make money." ah."

Quan Moying took a look at Ye Chuchen, and was sometimes quite speechless towards this woman who had no integrity and no lower limit.

"What do you mean by that look in your eyes? It is said that the master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. You are not their master, you are just a beast guarding the nether world. Look at it, a person's life is very long, especially like you. This kind of divine beast that can't die has a longer life. In such a long life, who can't meet a few scumbags?

In order to improve their own spiritual power, these phantoms did not hesitate to collude with Cheng Shitian. Not only did they not dissuade Cheng Shitian from his actions, but they immediately reported to you when they learned about it, on the contrary, they treated this kind of utterly unconscionable thing. Happy to see it happen.This shows that they have already been extremely bad in their bones.

This kind of person is the shit of the underworld.Only by completely sweeping away these stinky shit, can the Netherworld have a brilliant tomorrow.So what we have to do now is to be a qualified shit shoveler and not leave any shit in the nether world.Understand? "

Hearing Ye Chuchen's eloquence, Quan Moying replied flatly: "Actually, you just want to improve your own strength. You don't need to say it so grandly."

"Hey, it sounds like you don't want to improve your strength! If you have the ability, when Cheng Shitian is solved, you and the three members of the Long family don't want to use the good things in Xiaotian'er's space?"

"No, no, no! We are the master's good Eudemons, we have to follow the master to shovel shit."

"That's right, it's not a pity to die a hundred times for this kind of stinky shit from the Netherworld."

"To this kind of person, you shouldn't have any kindness. I can't find a second reason for this kind of person to survive other than letting him disappear."

When the three brothers of the Long family heard that they had no place to upgrade, they immediately betrayed their lord completely.

Quan Moying felt very tired.

The majestic lord of the nether world, why is he always lonely no matter where he goes?

Looking at Long's three mean and ungrateful faces, Quan Moying said: "I'm just expressing a sigh. You're right, these people are the rat shit of the Netherworld, even if killing these people will make the Netherworld even worse." The number of phantoms has dropped sharply, but if these people are kept alive, the Netherworld will end sooner or later."

After all, Quan Moying changed the topic: "Although these people are only at the highest level of the Lan Linghuang, most of them wear jade slips on their bodies. Once they crush the jade slips, they will definitely alarm Cheng Shitian."

(End of this chapter)

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