Chapter 1278
"So we either don't move, or if we move, we must be killed with one blow. I suggest that the six of us work together to smash this castle directly."

The six people Quan Moying mentioned were of course him, Sanha, and Gu Junyan and Muhun.

"But at the same time, can Xiao Tian'er extract spiritual power from them?"

"Obviously not."

Facing Ye Chuchen's question, Ling Tian immediately denied it.

"But it doesn't matter, you won't be afraid if you have Nether Butterfly around."

"Can Nether Butterfly stop phantoms who are more powerful than you?"

Quan Moying's question was also the question of all the Lingzun present.

"If Xiao Tian'er didn't have two brushes, could you fall into Xiao Tian'er's hands when Xiao Tian'er was still at the junior level of Huang Lingsheng?"

Quan Moying: ...

"Since Nether Butterfly can prevent them from using the jade slips, there is no problem. We are responsible for solving these phantoms, and you are responsible for collecting the spiritual power of these phantoms."

"no problem!"

After the work was assigned, Quan Moying walked in with the three Long brothers, Gu Junyan and Mu Hun swaggeringly.

He was talking loudly inside, talking about Quan Moying. In front of the future new lord, Cheng Shitian, there is no one fart, not only Cheng Shitian, but I am afraid that they, the little people who have been scorned by others, will be able to crush them all in the future When Quan Moying was there, he saw the Lord Lord with a powerful aura leading three deacons of the nether world, and the other two they didn't know, but they could tell by the pressure of the aura that they were super masters of the high-ranking spirit level. At the entrance of the main hall, and slowly walked to the center of the main hall with steady steps.

The lively discussion stopped abruptly, and the noisy and lively hall instantly fell into dead silence.

All phantoms know the lord of the nether world.Because every phantom or phantom beast that enters the Netherworld must be blessed by the lord's mana before it can truly survive in the Netherworld in the form of a soul.

Therefore, every phantom present has been blessed by the lord, and every phantom has seen the lord.

Compared with the admiration they saw Quan Moying when they entered the Netherworld, these phantoms saw Quan Moying again at this moment, but they all seemed to see the god of death, their eyes were full of panic and panic.

"Lead... Your lord!"

The head of a strong man at the peak of the Blue Spirit Emperor was full of fear at the moment. He had no idea that Daquan Moying would come back so soon after his great strength was created, and he came to this place again so boldly.

"Lord? Isn't the lord in your heart Cheng Shitian?"

Facing Quan Moying's sarcastic rhetorical question, the phantoms in the hall looked disheartened.

Even if they belittled Quan Moying before, the weight of Quan Moying in their hearts still cannot be ignored.

"My lord, we are just following orders, and everything is the intention of the deputy lord."

As soon as the leader Lan Linghuang phantom spoke, all the other phantoms immediately echoed.

"Yes, my lord, everything is what the deputy lord wants, and has nothing to do with us. We are just the subordinates of the deputy lord, and we have to listen to the deputy lord's words."

"We also know that it is not good to do so, and it violates the requirements and teachings of the lord. But if we don't do what the deputy lord wants, we will die. Please also learn from the lord."

(End of this chapter)

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