My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1281 Betrayal

Chapter 1281 Betrayal
"Stop! Start with you, and speak slowly one by one. If someone is lying, it can be corrected by others if they hear it. The liar will die, and the corrected will live."

So under Ling Tian's arrangement, the phantoms didn't dare to do any small tricks at all, and honestly explained everything they knew about Cheng Shitian clearly.

"The formation that Cheng Shitian arranged is called the Yinling Great Formation. This formation can extract the living souls of the human world, and it can be upgraded after a certain number of formations are drawn. In three days, this formation can extract all the souls below the Qingling Emperor. level of soul power."

"The reason why we gathered here is because this is a branch of a teleportation array. We can absorb pure soul power here to improve our cultivation."

"The spirit-leading array here is just a very small branch. As far as I know, there are ninety-nine and 81 such branches in the Netherworld, and they stand in different parts of the Netherworld."

"How can I find these 81 branches?" Ling Tian asked.

"Jade slips! The jade slips of Qian Hufa and Li Hufa can be connected to the other two other branch formations adjacent to this place. Just crush their jade slips and they can be teleported there."

"Guardian Qian and Protector Li come out."

Ling Tian gave an order, but only Guardian Qian came out.

"Qi... Your Excellency, Li Hufa was killed just now. But the villain can recognize Li Hufa's jade slip."

Qian Hufa was trembling, and he didn't dare to speak loudly.

"Then you pick your jade slips and Protector Li's jade slips out of these jade slips, and I will spare your death."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hufa Qian hurriedly found out the jade slips of himself and Hufa Li without wasting any effort.

Ling Tian simply put the two jade pieces into the space alone.

"Tian'er, these people are not good guys. When they followed me, they ate inside and outside, but now they are caught by me and betrayed Cheng Shitian. Can you believe what they say?"

Guardian Qian turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said, "My lord, the villain is innocent! The villain is definitely not lying! If the lord doesn't believe me, you can crush one of the jade slips together with the villain to see if it is true." It’s not possible to teleport to that formation. The villain really didn’t lie!”

"Don't worry, he didn't lie."

Although Li Hufa is dead, Ling Tian has no way to find Li Hufa's jade slip, but which one is Qian Hufa's jade slip, she can perceive the spiritual power connection between the jade slip and Qian Hufa through the butterfly.

"My lord's lesson! My lord's lesson!!" Qian Hufa quickly kowtowed to Ling Tian in gratitude.

"Go ahead. As I have already said, there are Qian Guardians who have made contributions and can stand here."

As a result, a wave of people who had already revealed their secrets stood on the side of Guardian Qian.

This is even more exciting for those who haven't had time to say it yet.

"The headquarters of the Spirit Guiding Formation is the Spirit Pagoda."

"The spiritual tower is divided into 18 floors. The soul power received by the first floor is the weakest, and the soul power received by the 1th floor is the strongest."

"There are many people guarding the pagoda, and the most powerful ones are the 18 spiritual masters. Their spiritual power has reached the peak of the seventh level, and it is said that some people have broken through to the eighth level. Three days later, after the formation is upgraded, the spiritual power of these people The power will increase even more.”

"I... I also heard a secret, but the lord threatened me back then, not letting me tell it."

(End of this chapter)

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