My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1282 Waiting for Death

Chapter 1282 Waiting for Death
"That is...all those who have absorbed the spiritual power of the pagoda will form a contract with the lord. Once the lord opens the contract, everyone must obey the order, otherwise it will be a dead end."

The truth that this person said made all the phantoms on the side dumbfounded.They don't even know about it!Then they are so happy to absorb the spiritual power of the pagoda, aren't they cheated?

"What I know is that the remaining elders and the supreme elders in the Netherworld have all surrendered to the deputy lord. If the lord wants to seek revenge from the deputy lord, these elders must also be on guard."


Listening to what the phantoms said, everyone's expressions became more and more serious.As Huahua said, the only person who really benefited from this formation is Cheng Shitian, and all those who have entered the pagoda will be his voluntarily or forcedly.

Eudemons may be even better, more able to control the heart.But phantom spirits were human warriors before they died. The reason why human beings can stand at the top of the food chain is closely connected with human beings' born desire to be strong, to climb high places and keep forging ahead.

The spiritual tower has been established for a long time, and there are countless people who have entered the spiritual tower.Phantoms and phantom beasts who want to enter the spiritual tower to absorb soul power every day can at least form a ten-kilometer long line outside the spiritual tower.

So, even if Cheng Shitian wasn't the lord of the Netherworld, he didn't take the position of the lord of Quan Moying in the past few days, but he has become the uncrowned king.

Even if they kill Cheng Shitian in the future, the Netherworld will suffer unprecedented damage, and it will not be able to return to its current prosperity for thousands of years in the future.

"Okay, the question is over. Let's kill them all."

All the phantoms were dumbfounded on the spot.

"Didn't you promise to let us live?"

"How can you say nothing?"

"You are too despicable! We told you everything we know, but you still want to kill us!"


All the phantoms looked at Ling Tian with grief and indignation, at this sanctimonious female liar!

"I said I would let you go. But didn't you say it just now? Cheng Shitian has made a secret contract with you through the Spirit Pagoda. If we kill Cheng Shitian, you will die too. So death sooner or later is death, you guys Don't worry about it so much. Instead of being enemies when we kill Cheng Shitian, why don't we advance the hostilities in the near future to the present."


It makes sense, but it left them speechless.

In the face of Ling Tian's backlash and being able to speak to them from a reasonable standpoint, the ghosts trembled with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

They couldn't get the jade slip.

Force, they can't fight.

At this moment, the only thing they regretted was getting on Cheng Shitian's thief ship and absorbing the soul power of the Spirit Pagoda.

The Netherworld was originally a place where there was nothing to contend with, and force could not play too much role in the Netherworld.Because there are countless laws in the nether world that will prevent phantoms or phantom beasts from bullying people.

So why did they run to absorb the soul power of the spiritual pagoda in such a stupid way?What if I become stronger?
But even in the Netherworld, there is no regret that the medicine can be taken.

What awaits them now is the ashes that will never be reborn.

After killing all the people in the castle, several people fell back into the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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