My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1283 The Power of the Soul

Chapter 1283 The Power of the Soul
After Hua Lixiao took out a Dao Talisman from the space and pasted it on the formation eye, the transmission speed of the formation eye slowed down dramatically.

The teleportation speed of the formation eye is slow, but the transmission speed of the transmission formation is very fast, which gradually creates a huge friction between the transmission formation and the formation eye.

Just when the friction reached a certain level, hundreds of ghost butterflies flew out of Ling Tian's body.

These ghost butterflies were burning with faint blue flames and flew to the friction place.

Suddenly, the light on Nether Butterfly's body became brighter, and the place that had been rubbed on fire suddenly exploded with a "bang" under the burning of the Nether flame.

One part of the teleportation array was blown up, and then another part was blown up.

The series of explosions quickly formed an explosion swirl, followed by the explosion sound of "bang bang bang bang bang bang", and the entire branch teleportation array soon fell into the series of explosions.

Seeing the clear sky in an instant, with no clouds in the sky, and the black clouds before disappearing in an instant, Quan Moying was shocked.

"What kind of flame are you?" Why does it feel more powerful than his unicorn fire?

"The fire of the netherworld. It is specially designed to burn souls."


At this moment, Quan Moying felt that she was wronged by Ling Tian's way before.

"Didn't you tell me before that you have an explosive talisman? Just one explosive talisman can blow up the entire branch formation."

Ye Chuchen helped Ling Tian roll his eyes: "Do you think that talisman is cheap? It was given to us by the master of the three of us for self-defense, and there are not many of them in total. For such a formation-breaking method, we need With one talisman, all the 81 formations have not been blown up, and all the self-defense talismans on us will be gone."

"With Xiao Tian'er and Senior Sister Hua here, these small formations are like pediatrics to her! It's too wasteful to use dao talismans, and it's too embarrassing for them!"

Long Yin immediately flattered and greeted him.

Quan Moying was speechless, he was no longer in the mood to train these three subordinates who were tearing down the stage at any time.

In order to trick more phantoms and phantom beasts into the pagoda and sign a contract with him, Cheng Shitian did not open the contract.

After all, once the contract is opened, all phantoms and phantom beasts that have entered the spirit tower or absorbed soul power will receive a call from their master.

Because of this, Ling Tian and the others played a side ball.

The people in the branch formation here are all dead, and the formation has been shattered, but Cheng Shitian doesn't know it at all.

Ling Tian had already blown up a branch formation when he was in Wangyou Town before, and now another formation has been destroyed.The layout of each formation took Cheng Shitian at least half a year, but it was only a blink of an eye when it was destroyed.

Looking at the hundreds of pure spirit bodies in the space, Ling Tian proposed to absorb these spirit bodies first, and then go to the next stop.

In case they encountered a strong enemy, they had few people and insufficient strength.

Although these hundreds of spirit bodies are of little help to Quan Moying and other spiritual masters, they are very important to Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen.

Therefore, the six men decided to give up all these hundreds of spirit bodies to the three sisters Ling Tian.

However, this suggestion was not approved by Ling Tian and the others.

"There are a total of 81 branch formations, and the number of people guarding the formations can be described as countless. Although there are only a few hundred people in one branch, there are thousands of people in the 81 formations." .”

(End of this chapter)

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