My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1285 Something went wrong

Chapter 1285 Something went wrong
"Let's go, go to the next stop."

"it is good."

Seeing the happy smiling faces of the girls, the corners of the lips of the six men who followed couldn't help but smile.

With the two jade slips of Qian Hufa and Li Hufa, Ling Tian and his party found the existence of the other two formations without any effort.

Apart from anything else, they used the same method to deceive the trust of the two phantom formations, and asked them to hand over the other teleportation formations in their hands. The group destroyed these phantoms, destroyed the formation, and absorbed Gained spiritual power, and then switched to the next stop.

Because of the transmission of high-grade jade slips, no matter how far the distance is, it only takes 10 minutes.

After doing it handy, it only takes more than half an hour to solve each problem. In addition to the time lost on the road, it usually takes about an hour for one branch formation to go to another branch formation.

So a group of people moved between formations and gained a lot.

It was not until Ling Tian and his party had stayed in the Netherworld for more than two days, destroyed more than 50 branch formations of Cheng Shitian, and killed more than 4000 of his favorite generals, that Cheng Shitian received a report of a strange phenomenon in the spiritual tower.

"My lord, since yesterday, my subordinates have felt that the spiritual power generated by the pagoda has decreased. I thought it was an illusion before. But today everyone has this feeling, so this subordinate dares to trouble the master to come and see for himself."

In the pagoda, phantom spirits and phantom beasts on all floors reacted to the fact that the spiritual power of the pagoda had become thinner when they saw Cheng Shitian.

"The subordinates feel that the spiritual power of the pagoda is only half of the previous spiritual power, or even less than half, and the spiritual power that was able to absorb all the phantom spirits and beasts in the pagoda before has been in short supply. "

Cheng Shitian frowned, and accompanied by 18 guardians, he went down to the top of the pagoda and entered the formation that only he could enter.

The formation eye of the Spirit Pagoda is the ultimate transmission place for the Jiujiu 81 branch formations. The 81 formations will transmit the living souls they absorbed from all parts of the Hunyuan Continent to the formation eyes of the spiritual pagoda, and then the formation eyes will be converted and transmitted to each layer of the spiritual pagoda.

Whether the soul power has decreased, as long as Cheng Shitian enters the eye of the formation, he can know.

So when Cheng Shitian's complexion became darker and darker after entering the eye of the formation, the 18 high-level spiritual guardians knew that there was really a problem with the formation.

But these 81 teleportation arrays are not visible and tangible pipes, and they can be seen wherever they are broken and can be repaired.This sky-defying formation is an invisible and intangible teleportation formation built by special means. The soul power in the formation's eyes suddenly decreased. Cheng Shitian only knew that there must be something wrong with the transmission formation, but he didn't know. Know exactly what went wrong.

Walking out of the eyes, Cheng Shitian's expression was extremely ugly.

"My lord, how is it? Is there something wrong with the teleportation array?"

"should be."

With a dark face, Cheng Shitian opened his interspatial ring, took out another interspatial ring from it, opened it, and took out all 81 jade slips inside.

Each jade slip has a branch formation marked where the jade slip is located.Cheng Shitian could only inject his voice into the jade slips, and asked a question to the 81 jade slips at the same time: "Is there any problem with the teleportation array on your side? Has the spiritual power transmission decreased?"

(End of this chapter)

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