My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1286 What to Do

Chapter 1286 What to Do

It happened that one of Cheng Shitian's jade slips was sent to the place where Ling Tian and the others were destroying.

Looking at the flashes of light shining on the jade slips, and then at the people kneeling on the ground.Ling Tian handed the jade slip to the phantom spirit.

In order to survive, the phantom quickly used his spiritual power to write a sentence on the jade slip: I report to the Lord that everything is normal, and the signature is 493527618.

"Why is there such a string of numbers in the signature?" Ling Tian was a little confused.

After all, they have already destroyed 51 formations, and there are still 30 formations left to destroy all 81 formations.So now she doesn't want to be known by Cheng Shitian so soon.She hoped that one more day would allow her to kill Cheng Shitian at the Spirit Pagoda after destroying all the branch formations.

Only by killing Cheng Shitian near the pagoda will the souls of phantoms and beasts contracted by Cheng Shitian be absorbed into the pagoda.

If they go late by then, maybe these souls will disappear with them.

These souls are the most important thing this time.

Whether they can achieve a huge breakthrough in their strength depends on whether they can obtain the spiritual power of those contracted souls after killing Cheng Shitian this time.

Facing Ling Tian's question, that phantom simply knew everything.

"My lord, this villain doesn't know either. Every teleportation array has its code name. Only the deputy lord and us know this code name. The villains are only responsible for remembering the number."

"Then what are the numbers of the other branch formations?" Ling Tian asked.

The phantom looked bitter: "My lord, we are just the underlings of the deputy lord, and our responsibility is only to take care of the formation area where we are, and report anything in time with the jade slip. Don't say anything about other formations. Numbered, we don’t even know where these formations are built.”

After hearing this, the other phantoms also nodded.

"We have already destroyed 50 formations, which can be regarded as destroying Cheng Shitian's plan. Why don't we go to the Zhongzhou Spirit Pagoda while he is not too prepared at this moment."

The more these teleportation formations are destroyed, the greater Quan Moying's killing intent towards Cheng Shitian will be.

Because the size of each teleportation array is different, some large teleportation arrays have already begun to transmit the soul power of warriors below the Qinglinghuang level.

This is simply a massacre.

"and many more."

Hua Lixiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Quan Moying, do you have a map of the entire Netherworld?"

Quan Moying was startled: "Yes."

As the lord of the Netherworld, how could there be no map of the Netherworld?

"Give me the most detailed map."

"it is good."

Without further ado, Quan Moying gave Hua Lixiao the map of the Netherworld to find out.

"Where is our current location?"

Quan Moying looked at the map, and quickly circled their location at this moment.

"Where is the spiritual pagoda in Central Continent?"

Quan Moying quickly marked the location of Zhongzhou Spirit Pagoda.

Just asking Quan Moying to mark two places, Hua Lixiao's eyes lit up.

"Do you remember which 50 formations we destroyed?"

"Of course." As the lord of the Netherworld, Mo Ying is still very clear about the boundaries of the Netherworld.

"Then do you still remember the order in which we destroyed the formations?"

"Although I can't remember it, the Dragon Curse will definitely remember it."

(End of this chapter)

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