Chapter 1287

The Dragon Curse on the side nodded immediately: "My memory is famous in the Netherworld. Not to mention the order of the 50 formations that we destroyed, even 500, I can point them out one by one."

"Okay, then you and Quan Moying are responsible for marking the order of our destroyed formations in the form of one, two, three, four, five. Xiao Tianer, you should be able to judge the spirit power we confiscated based on the spiritual power left on the jade slips. What is the sequence of those jade slips?"

"Of course, it's up to me." The time for each jade slip to reach her is different. As an onmyoji, Ling Tian can accurately perceive the details of these jade slips.

"it is good."

Afterwards, everyone worked together in a division of labor. Long Curse was in charge of telling the location of the formations they had destroyed one after another, and Quan Moying was in charge of marking this place off the map as soon as possible.

At the same time, Ling Tian also found the first jade slip from the confiscated jade slips that had started to light up one after another.

Then quickly wrote on the jade slip with spiritual power: "Report to the Lord, everything is normal."

Hua Lixiao reported the number according to the first formation point marked by Quan Moying: "The first number is 381567294."

"How do you know this number?"

Quan Moying looked at Hua Lixiao in shock, not understanding how she could report such a long series of numbers.After all, there are 9 numbers, even if one is wrong, Cheng Shitian will know.

Quan Moying's shock was taken for granted in Ling Tian's eyes.

Almost when Hua Lixiao reported the numbers to her, she had already replied to Cheng Shitian as quickly as possible.

Soon, Ling Tian received a reply from Cheng Shitian——

Send more people to pay close attention to every movement of the formation, and report back immediately if there is any difference.

Ling Tian immediately imitated that phantom and replied: Yes!
Seeing that the number was really correct, Cheng Shitian really believed it, and Quan Moying and the three Long brothers were completely shocked.

They felt that the three women in front of them, except that their martial arts strength was not up to the standard, they were not so powerful as human beings at all.

When you are with them, you can feel that everything can be done easily.

Facing Quan Moying's question, Hua Lixiao said: "This will be explained later, you guys hurry up and continue to mark the location, Xiao Tian'er, your speed should also be faster."

"it is good."

After that, everyone stopped talking and replied to Cheng Shitian's letter one by one as quickly as possible.

The final result was that Cheng Shitian received 81 replies, all of which were branch formations and everything was normal.

Now Cheng Shitian was depressed.

These people who he placed outside the branch formation to guard the formation can be said to be all people he trusts.So Cheng Shitian absolutely believed their response.

But if all the 81 branch formations are intact, is there something wrong with the main formation?

However, it is clear that the soul power of the green spirit saint has begun to be continuously transmitted to the eyes of the formation, which shows that the main formation has not been destroyed!
At this moment, when encountering an unsolvable formation problem, Cheng Shitian said that he was not in a good mood at all.

Leading the formation is a fairy-level formation, and there are very few people in the netherworld who understand the formation, and even none who are proficient in the formation.

Now that there is a problem with the immortal formation, these people can only watch him and wait for him to deal with it.

At this moment, Cheng Shitian was so depressed that he wanted to kill someone.

Now only three days have passed, his spiritual power has been upgraded from the eighth level of Lingzun to the ninth level of Lingzun, and he will be able to break through the peak soon.

(End of this chapter)

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