Chapter 1299
The reason why Quan Moying has the background he has today, and after destroying almost all of his branch formations, he can still do whatever he wants with him in the formations, is inseparable from this woman.

As long as he can kill the woman who made the strange butterfly, he can turn the tide of the battle!

The eyes of the array have not been destroyed, and the teleportation array is still sending souls in.

As long as this woman is dead, the butterflies on the heads of him and the 13 guards will naturally disappear.

That's why he used his special body and martial skills to deceive the eyes of all the Lingzuns present, and directly hit Ling Tian.

"My God!"



Several big men called out the most important name in their hearts, their eyes were full of grief, and their eyes were red and swollen.

No matter how vulnerable Cheng Shitian is in front of them now, he is bound to be defeated, but he is still a ninth-level spiritual master after all.Even if there is a butterfly constantly sending his energy out, there are still countless forces pouring into his body.

No matter how fast Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao, and Ye Chuchen made progress, after absorbing those soul powers, they were only at the level of the Qingling Emperor.

Let me ask, how can the three Qingling Emperors resist the full blow of a peak Lingzun warrior?
Just when the six men rushed towards Cheng Shitian full of despair, trying to tear him into pieces, Cheng Shitian's body was suddenly blown away by a huge force.


Being sent flying, Cheng Shitian, who was halfway through the flight, suddenly received another powerful attack, made a loud bang, and was sent flying back again.

"Boom—" before flying to Ling Tian and the others, they were sent flying by a huge force.

"Bang—" Not long after flying out, there was another loud noise, and it flew back again.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Seeing Cheng Shitian going back and forth in the air like a Cuju, everyone was amazed.

Clearly there is nothing?

But Cheng Shitian is obviously being beaten like this!
And from the looks of it, two people should be beating him.

But why can't they see people?
For a quarter of an hour, Cheng Shitian was hung like this, sometimes left and right, sometimes up and down.

After a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power of the 13 spiritual masters had been plundered by the butterfly, and all their spiritual power had been transferred to Quan Moying's body, allowing Quan Moying's spiritual power to return to the spiritual power from the eighth level of the spiritual master. Three levels above Zun Peak.And Cheng Shitian's spiritual power was distributed to the three Long brothers, so that their spiritual power changed from the fourth level of Lingzun to the eighth level of Lingzun, and Cheng Shitian's spiritual power returned from the ninth level of Lingzun to the blue Linghuang. The beatings on and off the ground really stopped that day.

Cheng Shitian fell to the ground with a "boom", and gnawed the ashes on his face.

Although there is still a steady stream of soul power pouring into him from the eyes of the formation at this moment, he knows that he is completely over.

"Female... Her Majesty Queen, please spare my life! The villain is willing to transfer this large spirit-guiding array to you. From now on, Her Majesty Queen, you can have as much spiritual power as you want.

If Her Majesty the Queen disdains, you can also seal up this formation, as long as... as long as you spare my life, the villain will be devastated from now on, until he dies! "

(It’s the last day of 2017. Thank you for your perseverance and sincere company over the past year! I wish you all a smooth new year, all the best, and a happy New Year! I will accompany you in the group to celebrate the new year! )
(End of this chapter)

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