Chapter 1300 A Dog
"If Her Majesty the Queen doesn't believe it, you can also let me become the lord's phantom. From now on, the lord will be your phantom, and the villain will be the phantom of the lord, and the villain will always obey the orders of the Queen!"

Cheng Shitian raised his head from the ground, instead of seeking Quan Moying and Ling Tian desperately, he knelt down on the spot and kowtowed violently to Ling Tian.

He has always been a man of the times.

At the beginning, he was living well, but he met a "immortal" who needed vitality, and he needed to offer his vitality actively and voluntarily.Most people would definitely not agree to such a situation, but he agreed.

Because he knows that even if he disagrees, there is only one dead end.It's better to die by yourself and make that "immortal" happy.In this way, instead, he obtained the spirit-leading formation, which made him extraordinary today.

Back then he was able to endure, and now he can too.

As long as he can survive, as long as he can learn this set of unique skills in the hands of this woman, he can still find a way to dominate the world in the future.Even if there will always be two mountains on his head, he can continue to be a strong man in this world.

"Do you think I'm a garbage collection station? I collect all disgusting garbage? Also, why do you think that after you hurt my people and bullied my people, I can still save your life? You have a big face And the cute one is a cat! It’s not a stinky man like you who makes people sick at the first glance!”

Ling Tian was speechless, and she also thought that Cheng Shitian got up from the ground and wanted to find her desperately, but this person was shameless to the extreme.

One moment, she looked like she was going to kill them, but the next moment, she threw herself on the ground.

Knowing that the other party didn't want to take his thoughts away, the anger in Cheng Shitian's heart was almost to the point of destroying the world.

But he didn't have any other bad thoughts towards Ling Tian.

After all, from before to now, he couldn't feel the breath of those two people who beat him.When he was at the ninth level of Lingzun, he had no way to fight against those two people. Now that he is talking, his strength has dropped from the peak of the Blue Linghuang to the level of the Qinglinghuang. He doesn't think any of his sneak attacks will be effective.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Cheng Shitian laughed out loud instead.

"Quan Moying, so what if you win? Do you know that as long as I die, most of your phantoms in the Netherworld will die with me? Let me ask, if most of the souls in the Netherworld die suddenly, how can you still win?" A large part was killed by my contract phantom, what is left of your nether world?
There is also that formation, it is built with the power of immortal artifacts, without me, no matter how powerful this woman is, you can break the branch line formation, but you can't break the main line formation.

Also, although you won today, you are victorious, but you are just a dog beside this human woman!Even if you take back the Netherworld, even if you can continue to be the lord of the Netherworld, the servility in your bones will never go away. "

Quan Moying was not angry at Cheng Shitian's ridicule.Looking at the other party's body that has become transparent and is about to disappear, he said in a victorious posture: "Others say that people who are about to die speak well, but since you are about to die and your mouth is still so vicious, this deity Let me tell you a few words of truth.

Do you think that phantoms and phantom beasts have signed a contract with humans, so they can only obey humans and become slaves of humans? "

(End of this chapter)

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