Chapter 1301
"No! This kind of contract can actually connect the souls of phantoms, phantoms and humans. In this society full of doubts, at least humans and phantoms can completely trust each other. They are a whole and live together , fight together, and become the closest relationship in this world where you can give your back to each other.

In the past, I just obeyed the orders of the Lord God and gave the phantoms and phantom beasts in the nether world a chance to join hands with human beings, but I didn't realize the friendship between them.

But do you know, when you severely injured me and almost killed me, it was my master who saved me.When I was most frustrated and downcast, not only did she not dislike me as useless, but she treated me as if nothing had happened, supported me, and even called her own partner to accompany me to the Netherworld, for me Get back the place, seek justice for me, and accompany me in the knife mountain oil pan.

Cheng Shitian, have you ever felt the happiness of being cared for by your partner?Have you ever been touched when someone is willing to stab you in the face when you are down?Have you ever had the pleasure of having someone help you beat the enemy after being wronged?Can you feel how happy I was when you, who were already so strong just now, faced such a weak me, but you were defeated, kneeling in front of me and turning into a transparent body?

You can't understand it!Poor you, you can only strengthen yourself by controlling others and enslaving others.

But once you encounter difficulties, will you people with red eyes glowing in your eyes risk their lives to accompany you and help you find a way?They are just lifeless puppets, without your control, not only will they not help you, but they will overwhelm everyone.This is the difference between me and you!
Also, since we can break your branch line formation, we will definitely be able to break your main line formation.Because unfortunately, my master's sister is specialized in the study of formations.Not to mention the big spirit-leading formation, even other fairy-level formations, my master's sister can solve it! "

The previous words had already stimulated Cheng Shitian, but the last sentence directly caused Cheng Shitian's body to shake.

At this moment, his already transparent body was swayed by the surrounding wind, and his face was ferocious.

"No! Impossible! You lied to me! This formation is an immortal formation. If you want to break this formation, apart from knowing the way I set up the formation, there is no other solution!"

"You are wrong. There is another way, that is to use Xuanwu as the eye of the formation, and create another formation for cracking. The two formations are facing each other, and the formation of leading spirits must be solved."

"..." Cheng Shitian was in a daze for a moment.

Indeed, in the cracking method of Yinling Great Formation, the nemesis of this formation is indeed the mythical beast Xuanwu.

So for a moment, Cheng Shitian's expression was in a daze and he was hit hard.

But after another gust of wind, Cheng Shitian's soul became more transparent, as if it would be blown away at any moment.This cleared his mind a little.

"Hahahaha... Yes, you are right! Xuanwu can indeed crack the spirit-leading array. But don't forget that Xuanwu fell 500 years ago."

Quan Moying has no intention of letting Cheng Shitian go.

Rather than letting him slowly taste the disappearance of his soul, he would rather Cheng Shitian was mad at him to death.

"Don't forget, Qinglong was also said to have fallen 500 years ago, but isn't he still standing in front of you alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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