My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1305 Presiding over the overall situation

Chapter 1305 Presiding over the overall situation
Everyone couldn't wait to crush the jade slips, and after more than ten minutes, everyone was teleported to the spiritual pagoda in Central Continent.

Quan Moying, whose strength had already reached the peak of the Spirit Venerable, was not too enthusiastic about the spiritual power of the Spirit Pagoda.After all, being able to let the residents of the Nether Realm live so comfortably and stay away from wars shows that Quan Moying is not a big-hearted person in the first place.

"It's fast outside, you are busy inside, I will go outside to stabilize the situation."

Although the three Long brothers were very reluctant to give up so many souls, they were also loyal people.

"My lord, we will go out with you."

"it is good."

Quan Moying didn't refuse.

After all, Ling Tian already felt that he owed him a lot for relieving their Netherworld of a serious problem.Now facing the soul power that can raise his strength to a perverted level, Quan Moying felt that Ling Tian gave it to him, it was Ling Tian's kindness to him, but he himself couldn't just follow Ling Tian's ass to ask for it.

So Quan Moying took the three Long brothers out without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

The catastrophe in the Netherworld was due to his failure to manage it well before.

After experiencing what happened to Cheng Shitian, looking at the empty palace, Cheng Shitian truly realized how deeply the spiritual pagoda has poisoned the Netherworld.

His palace, his ministers, his generals, his soldiers... More than 95% of them have been sucked into the formation by the pagoda following Cheng Shitian's death, and have become nourishment.

The prosperous imperial capital is now sparsely populated and the population is dying.

The once close to the water and the moon first made the imperial capital a hardest hit area for the entire Netherworld.

When the Lord Lord and the three deacons who had disappeared for many days and heard that they had been seriously injured by Cheng Shitian and whose strength had regressed a lot appeared in front of people, everyone knelt down to Quan Moying, hoping that Quan Moying Can preside over the overall situation and turn the tide.

Quan Moying's figure suddenly grew larger, from a human figure to a majestic unicorn beast that can only be seen in mythology.

The whole body is snow-white, like a unicorn of a huge mountain, burning fierce flames all over its body.Through the special means left to him by the Lord God, Quan Moying let all the people in the Nether Realm see his real body.

The Hunyuan Continent is the Continent of Cultivation of Immortals. Humans and beasts have instinctive respect for immortals.They have never seen a god, but there is no shortage of beasts in Hunyuan Continent.The protagonist Feng Qing, who fell hundreds of years ago, and the four great beasts are heroes in the hearts of humans and spirit beasts.

It has long been heard that their lord is not an ordinary person, but now seeing the unicorn beast, the hearts of all phantom spirits and phantom beasts are at this moment to settle down.

That is their trust in the beasts from the bottom of their hearts.

"Everyone in the Netherworld, I am Mo Ying, the ruler of the Netherworld. This is my real body. Five thousand years ago, my lord Fengqing and I were ordered by the Lord God to guard the Netherworld and the Hunyuan Continent. .

The Lord God asked me to protect the Netherworld and give those dead souls a happy and happy life.Over the years, I have been conscientiously doing what the Lord God requires.

But in recent years, due to my negligence, a man named Cheng Shitian had an opportunity.On the grounds of strengthening the Netherworld, and by enhancing the strength of phantoms and phantom beasts in the Netherworld as a bait, he built a spiritual tower in the imperial capital under my nose. "

(End of this chapter)

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