My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1306 The Holy Monarch Not On One Channel

Chapter 1306 The Holy Monarch Not On The Same Channel

Quan Moying told every citizen in the Netherworld about the origin and harm of the Spirit Pagoda in detail, so that everyone would know the harm brought by the Spirit Pagoda.

"Those who coveted the spiritual power of the pagoda have died with Cheng Shitian's death. It was not Cheng Shitian who killed them, but their greed.

I want to tell everyone that the Netherworld is your home, a paradise where your souls can rest in peace after you die.In the Netherworld, spiritual power is not the most important thing, tranquility is the purpose of the Netherworld.

Some souls still have obsessions and still want to compete with others, and the Netherworld allows it.You can choose the human beings you like and become their phantoms or phantom beasts.

But the netherworld is just a place that provides comfort to the soul.So from now on, if anyone dares to do some shady tricks in the Nether Realm, once they find out, don't blame the Nether Realm for its strict laws.

After this incident, three-quarters of phantom spirits and one-third of phantom beasts in the Netherworld have decreased, resulting in a sharp drop in population, and the economy will also be depressed for a long time to come.

But I think this is not a bad thing.After all, although these people who died did not deserve to die, they must all be greedy, dissatisfied with the status quo, but unwilling to keep their feet on the ground, and want to get things done overnight.So you don't have to worry.Without these people, the Netherworld would become more peaceful. "

Quan Moying calmed Soul Heart outside, while Ling Tian and the others split up in the spiritual pagoda.

Ling Tian is responsible for transforming the souls absorbed in the pagoda into pure spiritual power and storing them in the space, while the rest of the people and Hua Lixiao set up a formation in the pagoda to break the spirit-leading formation.

After Ling Tian collected all the soul power in the formation, the Great Emperor was already in place, and the formation patterns that Hua Lixiao wanted him to emerge appeared on the huge tortoise shell.

As soon as the pattern with the emperor as the eye of the formation emerged, the shattering formation designed by Hua Lixiao slowly started.


Accompanied by a shocking explosion, a white shock wave rushed straight into the sky, smashed through the sky, shattered the void, and exploded towards the branch formation that still existed in the Hunyuan Continent.

For a time, there were deafening explosions in dozens of places in the entire Hunyuan Continent.

In the place where the plague was still erupting before, those people who were infected with the plague and became violent and restless suddenly became quiet during the explosion at this moment.Some people who hadn't absorbed much soul power even came to their senses.

When they woke up, they told everyone that they didn't have the plague.During their madness, their souls were continuously sucked away by a horrible thing.They couldn't speak, they couldn't shout.As if they were taken away, they could only fight against that terrifying thing in their own consciousness.

As explosions sounded everywhere, the horror that would have sucked their souls disappeared.

This matter was quickly spread, and even spread to Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent.

"My lord, what do you think about this matter?"

The corners of Di Qianzhong's lips raised slightly: "Isn't there an explosion already? If everyone responds to the explosion, it's fine. That means it's really fine."

Ministers: ...! !

Well, apart from their reactions to the empress, their sages are now also reacting to the new crown prince, the former Emperor Jin Wushang and Princess Fengling, nothing else can arouse his reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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