My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1308 Funny is more fun than husband and wife

Chapter 1308 Funny is more fun than husband and wife

"Do you know where he is?" Hua Lixiao looked at Gu Junyan.

Gu Junyan nodded: "I have been in touch with senior brother before. This place is a secret stronghold of our East Continent in Central Continent. Don't worry, Tian'er, we have adventures here, and senior brother also has adventures in Central Continent."

"How is he now? Has he encountered any danger? He has always said that he is fine, but I know that if he is really fine, he will definitely not stay in Central Continent and not come back to see me."

Now, she has strength.She really didn't want to delay for a moment to find her family, Fenghuang.She wants to make those who bullied her family Fenghuang feel uncomfortable.

Once, her family, Fenghuang, stayed by her side without doing anything, guarding her and supporting her.

Now she is also a capable person, and now she is [-]% sure that even if she can't kill Di Qianzhong, she can still make him feel like eating shit every day.

"Don't worry, brother is really fine. In fact, after his meridian problem was solved, his strength has slowly risen to the sixth level of Lingzun.

Before the Eastern Continent War, your master, Daoist Tongtian, once taught me and my senior brother a law against the sky, called the Clone Technique, which can be cultivated as long as the strength reaches the fourth level of Lingzun.This avatar brother used to know it, but he was unable to use it due to suffering from meridians.

So after going to Central Continent this time, the senior brother has always appeared in front of everyone with his avatar.Others have never stepped into the Central Continent Imperial Palace. "

"Really? In that case, Feng Yun is really not in danger?" Hua Lixiao asked.

Gu Junyan smiled slightly and nodded: "When have I lied to you?"

"Huahua, what is a clone?" Ling Tian hurriedly asked.

"The avatar is condensed from the main body..."

Hua Lixiao was explaining, but there were two Gu Qianchou in front of everyone.

Gu Qianchou introduced: "This is my avatar. Tian'er, come and give me a knife."

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
"You kill me and see if I'm okay."

Ling Tian: ...! ! !Even so, she still couldn't do it.


Ling Tiantian didn't want to do it, but Mu Hun who was on the side couldn't help it when he heard that the clone, an advanced martial skill that only appeared in the heavenly court, appeared on Gu Junyan's body.

Under Gu Junyan's repeated invitations, Ling Tian was reluctant to do it, but Mu Hun was already unceremonious, and in a sneak attack, with all his strength, he slapped Gu Junyan's avatar into ashes with one palm.

Ling Tian: ...

Hua Lixiao: ...

Gu Junyan: ...


"Oh!" Mu Hun howled, "Lady, why did you hit me?"

"Mom mentally retarded, why are you so excessive?!"

Mu Hun pouted, feeling aggrieved.He wanted to say that he wasn't the one who wanted to kill, but Gu Junyan asked him to kill him. If he was mentally retarded, the mentally retarded person was also Gu Junyan, and it shouldn't be him!

And he was beaten by his wife because of this mental retardation.

"Even if you want to kill, you should leave this meaningful thing to me! Now that my strength has improved, I really want to try how it feels to kill a strong man above the peak of Lingzun!"

Ling Tian: ...

Hua Lixiao: ...

Gu Junyan: ...

Mu Hun: "Then... the next time Gu Junyan asks me to kill him, I'll let you! Don't be angry with me, lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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