Chapter 1309

"Okay, I'm not mad at you. Just remember to let me kill you next time."

"it is good."

Gu Junyan: ...! ! !
What did you take him for?

He asked Tian'er to try to kill him in order to dispel Tian'er's uneasiness.These two are good, and they are addicted to killing him, right? !
"So, my brother appeared in front of those people in Central Continent in the form of a clone. Even if he is killed, it won't damage the real him, right?"

Gu Junyan nodded: "You see, my avatar has been killed, is there anything wrong with me?"

Ling Tian's heart was finally relieved: "That's not true. But your clone was killed by Muhun, will it consume your spiritual power? How long will it take you to gather another clone?"

Almost as soon as Ling Tian's voice fell, Gu Junyan condensed another clone and came out.

"The life and death of the avatar will not have any impact on me. And it should be said that as long as the main body does not die, the avatar will last forever."


With an explosion, Gu Junyan's clone was killed by Ye Chuchen.

Gu Junyan: ...! ! !
"I really want to have a clone too!" Ye Chuchen said enviously.

"What is there to be envious of? Back then, Taoist Master Tongtian was able to pass the avatar technique to Feng Yun and Gu Junyan, and today they can also pass it to us. We are all a family, so you are welcome."

Mu Hun's words made Gu Junyan completely speechless.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Qinglong's shamelessness has simply refreshed his understanding of the Qinglong beast.

"Brother-in-law, can you really pass it on to us?"

When Gu Junyan, who was still depressed, heard the word "brother-in-law", all the pores in his body instantly opened.

"What did you call me?"

"Brother-in-law!" Miss Ye smiled meanly, and stretched out her hand to grab Gu Junyan's arm before Gu Junyan had time to react.

"You are the brother-in-law of me and Tian'er! Brother-in-law, can you teach us the clone technique as well?"

Gu Junyan looked at Hua Lixiao, he wanted to ask, is your sisterhood so "deep"?Because of a split body technique, my sister-in-law, who had previously refused to recognize her relatives, now calls her brother-in-law more than anything else.

A smile appeared on Hua Lixiao's lips.

She really wanted to say, if Tian'er and Chen'er really didn't recognize you as brother-in-law, they wouldn't have treated you like that back then.She knows the character of her two junior sisters best.If they really didn't recognize Gu Junyan and hated him, then when they first met, the situation he encountered would be a hundred times worse than before.

At least Xiao Chen'er wasn't so poisoned that he couldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half months.

From Hua Lixiao's smile, Gu Junyan understood what she meant.

Although he and his family Xiao'er hadn't been together for a long time, Gu Junyan felt that he and Hua Lixiao had a perfect soul match.

Every frown and smile, every look and every movement of her, he can accurately judge what she means.

In a word, he felt that he and Hua Lixiao were a match made in heaven.

Although it was awkward being held by someone's arm, Gu Junyan still said happily: "Since you all recognize me as brother-in-law, then we are a family, and mine is yours. What's more, Daoist Master Tongtian is yours in the first place." Master."

"Long live brother-in-law!"

At this moment, Ye Chuchen felt that it was nice to have two awesome brother-in-laws.

(End of this chapter)

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