My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1313 Showing off to Yaoyue

Chapter 1313 Showing off to Yaoyue

Quan Moying took the interspatial ring thrown by Ling Tian. The ring was very light, but it felt heavy in his hand.

Although I didn't read what's inside, but from Ling Tian's words, I can tell that there are things that can make his strength go a step further, even many steps.

I feel that I owe Ling Tian too much in this life, and now that she has become so strong, he could use his powerful force to protect her, but in the future, even in this respect, Ling Tian will not need it anymore.

"By the way, they said just now that my friend was being bullied. You went to help my friend out. Who is it?"

"Yaoyue. I knew Yaoyue seemed to be your friend when I followed you before, right?"


Ye Chuchen, who was standing behind, howled when he heard that his good friend was being bullied.

"What happened to Yaoyue? Where is he? Who bullied him?"

"He and the Generalissimo of the Northern Continent who came to participate in the Three Continents Contest have already arrived in the Eastern Continent, but after entering the range of the Eastern Continent, they were intercepted and killed by the Central Continent. When you called me in, those people were Prepare to attack Beizhou and his party."


"Hold the grass!!! Our little Yaoyue is about to be killed, why are you still talking to us here? Lead the way!"

"Okay." Quan Moying nodded: "You don't have to worry, even if I'm not here, there are still three deacons who won't let him have anything to do."

In a remote mountain range within the sphere of influence of Dongzhou Soul Palace, Yaoyue was wearing a bewitching red robe, which looked particularly alluring under the moonlight.

He was surrounded by 100 Beizhou generals who swore to defend him to the death.

The 100 elite soldiers he brought from Beizhou were all dead the moment the enemy appeared. If it wasn't for the fact that the Generalissimo of Beizhou had heard the news and reacted quickly to protect the [-] or so people, Yaoyue knew that he would The child is estimated to have become a dead person.

But also to protect them, Generalissimo Wenfeng suffered quite a lot of internal injuries.

Seeing him spit out a little blood every time he coughed uncontrollably, Yaoyue was furious in her heart.

In that attack just now, he didn't even know how many people there were in the opponent, and they didn't know how they attacked, but the opponent killed him five thousand soldiers from Beizhou in a single encounter.

It's just too hateful.

It wasn't until five thousand soldiers were dead that he saw seven figures appearing around them at the same time.Surround them in a circle.

There was a rare dignified appearance on the always unrestrained and charming demon face.

"His Royal Highness, when you are about to make a move, run away immediately. The subordinates will do their best to delay those seven people."

Wenfeng's secret voice transmission entered Yaoyue's mind at this time.

"Generalissimo, what level are they all?"

He could tell that the other party was a spiritual master, but because the other party was much stronger than him, he couldn't tell what level the other party was.

"If the subordinate's judgment is correct, three of them are five-level spiritual masters, and the remaining four should all be at level six or above."

When Yaoyue heard it, her heart was completely chilled.

Although there are not many Lingzun in this world, there are also many.

But most of these Spiritual Venerables are low-level Spiritual Venerables, that is, below the third level.

The third level is a watershed for Spiritual Venerables, and more than 90% of Spiritual Venerables are blocked in this gap.

Therefore, as long as the strength reaches level four or above, they can be regarded as the top experts in this continent.

(End of this chapter)

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