Chapter 1314
Master Mushang was very relieved to let the Generalissimo go with him, because his Generalissimo in Beizhou is a dignified fifth-level spiritual master, and it is basically difficult to meet opponents.

In addition, among the 100 people he brought, 10 people are junior spirit masters, and the remaining 90 people are masters above the high level of the Blue Spirit Emperor.

With such a luxurious lineup, he thought he would be able to walk sideways when he arrived in Dongzhou. He originally wanted to bring these people to Xiao Tian'er and Xiao Yezi for a while, but he didn't expect that they had already arrived in Dongzhou. To the ambush.

And for this ambush, there were actually 7 Spirit Venerables above level five.

It's really a big grass.

"Who is your Excellency? Do you know that we came from Beizhou to Dongzhou to participate in the Three Continents Contest? Are you trying to destroy the peace of the five continents by such blatant interception?"

After hearing Wenfeng's words, the seven spiritual masters around suddenly burst out laughing.

"Are you kidding me? Our seven high-ranking spirit venerables have done it ourselves. Could it be that we still mistaken the target?"

"So you really want to break the peace of the five continents?" Wen Feng frowned, feeling very bad in his heart.

"Peace on the five continents?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Since the five continents were founded, there has been no peace. All appearances of peace are decided by my Emperor Zhongzhou. If he thinks there should be peace, then there will be peace. If he thinks there should be no peace, then there will be no peace."

"So after Di Qianzhong brought down Xizhou and Dongzhou, he decided to attack Beizhou? Are you sure that what you said today came from Di Qianzhong? If that's the case, Cheng doesn't mind sending the jade slips that everyone said. Give me Zhou Dijun."

After Wen Feng's voice fell, a pleasant voice came from a farther place.After a while, a man in a moon-white robe slowly came into everyone's sight.

"Huangfu Gongchen!"

Others may not know the Great Emperor of Xizhou, but as the Generalissimo of Beizhou, Wenfeng is no stranger to Huangfu Gongchen.

Seeing Wenfeng, Huangfu Gongchen's attitude was very good, he clasped his fists at him and Yaoyue respectively, and said hello: "Prince Yaoyue, Marshal Wen, I have admired you for a long time."

"Huangfu Gongchen, as the emperor of Xizhou, you brought a group of masters from Central Continent to Dongzhou. What do you want to do? The Three Continents Contest is a competition that the emperor of our continent and the emperor of Nanzhou have discussed with the emperor of Zhongzhou. The emperor of Zhongzhou agreed to this." Only Beizhou, Xizhou and Nanzhou will participate in the competition, and they will compete for the management rights of Dongzhou, and Zhongzhou will not participate. Why do you want to violate the rules in public?"

"Hey, Marshal Wen, don't speak so harshly! You also said that only the three continents of Xizhou, Beizhou and Nanzhou will participate in this matter. I am the emperor of Xizhou. Going to participate is not considered a foul."

"Despicable! Aren't you afraid that after doing this thing, the Great Emperor of Beizhou and the Great Emperor of Nanzhou will join forces to attack Central Continent?"

"Cause trouble? What's the use of trouble? Do you think the emperor will be afraid of the emperors of Beizhou and Nanzhou?"

"The demon prince is the only prince in Beizhou and the only heir of my emperor. If you kill the demon prince, the emperor of Beizhou will never die with you in Central Continent.

Beizhou has recuperated for hundreds of years. Once an attack occurs, even if it loses, Central Continent will definitely suffer heavy losses. "

(Thanks to the baby who gave the monthly pass and the recommended ticket! The bank card has been linked to the mobile phone, and the building can be started! The buildings are built in order, the 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, and 22nd floors are the winning readers, and the disciples are as follows and Repeating this floor is invalid)
(End of this chapter)

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