Chapter 1324
Seeing the sluggish look of the enemy, everyone present felt in a good mood.

"You can ask any questions you have. Seeing that we are happy, my brother will answer any questions you have without saying a word."

Knowing that he was basically doomed today, Huangfu Gongchen quietly opened a mirror image amulet in his arms with his soul power.

This is the mother-child mirror image amulet given to him by the emperor. Once he opens the mirror image amulet, Di Qianzhong will be able to see what is happening here in the first place.

Even if he died, Gu Qianchou, Hua Lixiao and Ling Xiao's daughters would never feel better.

He died, and these people will definitely go down to be buried with him!

Although Dijun doesn't take much care of things, what he wants to have is a stable world.You must know that the enemy's daughter is always watching him in the dark, and he will never sit idly by.

After opening the mother-child mirror image amulet, Huangfu Gongchen asked: "That day in the palace, you clearly made a vow of thunder robbery in front of everyone, saying that you were not Lei Lingzun. Later, Lei Lingzun attacked me, and you He also fought against him face to face, and was even seriously injured. How do you explain these two points?"

Almost as soon as Huangfu Gongchen's voice fell, Gu Junyan's figure turned into two... two? !

Huangfu Gongchen's eyes bulged, and the eyeballs were about to fall out.

As a Spiritual Venerable, as the right-hand man of the Great Emperor Zhongzhou, Huangfu Gongchen felt that he could almost be said to know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. What kind of bizarre things had he never seen?

But two identical people, and two identical individuals separated from one body, this...

This has simply broken through the basic imagination of a human being, and has risen to the point where even if you see it, you don't believe it.

"You... how did you do it?" Huangfu Gongchen was shocked.

Such an ability, I am afraid that even the emperor Qianzhong can't do it?
"This is called a clone. It was passed on to me by Taoist Master Tong Tian. As long as I don't die, the clone will last forever. Even if someone blows it into a dregs, I can immediately transform into a clone in the next moment."

Huangfu Gongchen stared at Gu Junyan: "So you used the avatar to assassinate me before? You made the oath of thunder and robbery with me, and you also used the avatar?"

That's why he wasn't afraid of being struck by lightning, and Jie Lei didn't strike him to death when he betrayed himself!

As if he was afraid that Huangfu Gongchen would not be angry enough before he died, Gu Junyan shook his head: "The avatar was cultivated later. At the beginning, I didn't cultivate the avatar, so I was besieged by those three spiritual venerables. Huangfu Gongchen , At that time, it was really the best time for you to get rid of me, but you gave up. Not only did you give up, you even tried to use 60 troops to coax me back."

"Then how did you escape the thunder calamity?" Huangfu Gongchen really got angrier the more he listened.

"Because of Xiao'er. Huangfu Gongchen, haven't you realized that Xiao'er has the body of an earth spirit? Back then, I suddenly awakened with a body of thunder and spirit. I was originally a water-type spirit master, and my meridians couldn't bear the spirit of thunder. The baptism of power was once in a life-threatening period. This commander knew that he might not be able to survive it, so he looked for opportunities to kill you again and again.

Thank you so much for sending Xiao'er to Benshuai, so that Benshuai and such a beautiful girl can get to know each other, know each other, and fall in love with each other. In the end, they made a fake show and became a real couple. "

(End of this chapter)

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