Chapter 1325
"Huangfu Gongchen, everything in your life is wrong, but this thing is right."

Huangfu Gongchen only felt a pain in his heart, a sweetness in his throat, and a gust of blood rushed into his mouth.

In order not to let Gu Qianchou and his group see a joke, Huangfu Gongchen still swallowed the mouthful of blood.

Huangfu Gongchen had never done this kind of thing before, after hearing what he said before, others were so angry that they secretly swallowed blood, but now trying it himself, this feeling is really terrible.

"The body of the earth spirit, the body of the thunder spirit...hehe." Huangfu Gongchen smiled far-fetchedly: "So you were really seriously injured at that time, and it was just because Hua Lixiao had the body of the earth spirit that you had sex with her." After love, your body recovered immediately?"

"Yes, it's easy to talk to smart people."

Gu Junyan's praise made Huangfu Gongchen almost vomit another mouthful of blood.

"Then how did you escape the thunder disaster at that time? Why can you make the thunder disaster oath in front of me several times without being punished by the thunder disaster?"

"This... I also want to thank Emperor Huangfu. If you hadn't sent Xiao'er, a Taoist talisman master, to this handsome man and forced me to marry her. This handsome man would not have faked her and let us become each other. beloved.

If there is no Xiao'er, this handsome really dare not swear, and he would have revealed his secrets long ago.But because of Xiao'er, her Taoist talisman can hide the oath of thunder and calamity invisibly, so this commander dares to make the oath of thunder and calamity in front of you again and again to deceive you.

Emperor Huangfu, I told you a long time ago that the Thunder Tribulation Oath is unreliable, but you always listen to Hua Yukun's words and take the Thunder Tribulation Oath very seriously.But what was the result?When you are in danger, will Hua Yukun sacrifice her life to save you?And the commander who made the oath of Thunder Jie, was punished by Jie Lei again? "


While telling the reason, Gu Junyan was deliberately angry with Huangfu Gongchen, and couldn't stop frantically stuffing dog food into Huangfu Gongchen's mouth.

You know, Huangfu Gongchen also fell in love with his wife back then.

So after hearing that he contributed to everything, it was because he gave Hua Lixiao to Gu Qianchou, so Gu Qianchou was able to get along like a fish in water until now...

Huangfu Gongchen couldn't hold it back, his heart ached from the internal injury, the blood from his heart didn't come out from the mouth he was biting, but from his nasal cavity.

A sad feeling instantly hit the whole body, the blood spurted too violently, and it felt like it was choking directly into the skull.

Huangfu Gongchen couldn't hold it back, and yelled out with a "wow", and then, a big mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth as if he didn't want money.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really too many good days to be angry. If you can vomit blood like this, then my little Tian'er's parents were killed by you people and framed by you, wouldn't you have been pissed off by you a long time ago?" I can't bear this kind of anger, and I'm still the emperor. Brother, hurry up and get your lunch. Seeing you live like this, I will work hard for you."


As if matching Ye Chuchen's words, an extremely depressing muffled sound suddenly came from above his head, hitting Huangfu Gongchen's heart again.

Huangfu Gongchen didn't know what it meant to get a box lunch, but he knew that it was definitely an annoying bad word, so he didn't bother to understand it.

"I still have one thing I don't understand."


(End of this chapter)

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