My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1326 Gu Junyan

Chapter 1326 Gu Junyan

"It's true that Hua Lixiao was pointed out to you, but I can be [-]% sure that Hua Lixiao is the daughter of Hua Yukun and the daughter of the Hua family. Why did she laugh at me before, saying that Hua Lixiao is not Hua Yukun's daughter? ?”

"Hua Yukun's daughter, Hua Lixiao, jumped into the cold pond and drowned when Hua Yukun tried to marry her to me. Didn't the emperor know about this?"

"But after Hua Lixiao jumped into the cold pool, Hua Yukun ordered someone to salvage her. Hua Lixiao's every move is under Hua Yukun's surveillance..."

Suddenly Huangfu Gongchen gasped: "Hua Yukun is also from your side? You are singing the red face and the bad face in front of me!"

"Ah bah! Huangfu Gongchen, you're out of your mind! How could my senior sister have anything to do with a disgusting old man like Hua Yukun?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was pretending to be aloof, couldn't take it any longer, poohed Huangfu Gongchen and said, "Miss Ben, my senior sister Huahua, and junior sister Ye Chuchen are all disciples of Master Tongtian."

"What?" Huangfu Gongchen was shocked again by this heavy news.

Daoist leader! ! !

"However, we all lived on another continent before, and we all came to the Hunyuan Continent a year ago. We entered this continent through soul traversal.

When my family Huahua came to the Hunyuan Continent, it happened to be the time when Hua Lixiao was frozen to death in the cold pool by Hua Yukun.So Hua Yukun waited for his own daughter to be frozen to death before ordering someone to salvage her, but the person who opened his eyes was no longer his daughter, but my senior sister Hua Lixiao. "



Soul invasion!

These techniques have only been heard of in myths and legends. How can he, an ordinary human warrior, pry into the mystery of the initiative?

At this moment, Huangfu Gongchen felt that he was not wronged for losing, and at this moment, there was nothing to be angry about.

It's not that he is too weak, but that the enemy is too strong.

Master Tongtian...

That is a character that even Di Qianzhong dare not be presumptuous, and it is also the character he most wants to get rid of.

But he killed Yu Chihe of Xizhou, and Ling Xiao of Dongzhou, but he couldn't even touch the sleeve of Daochang Tian.

But now, Daoist Tongtian brought up Ling Xiao's daughter and came back to take revenge on them.

At this moment, Huangfu Gongchen realized a terrible thing.

This group of people, including Gu Qianchou, and Hua Lixiao, who was Huang Lingsheng before, could not detect their spiritual power.

The only explanation...

These people are all stronger than him! ! !

"Gu Qianchou, I have one last question."


"Who are you? Why do you want to kill me so much? What do you want to do?"

That's the point.

"Didn't you hear Tian'er call me brother? Didn't you hear them call me Jun Yan just now?"

Of course Huangfu Gongchen heard this.

But he is Hua Lixiao's man, Huangfu Gongchen thought Ling Tian called him brother, which meant brother-in-law.

But now it seems that obviously not.

Ling Tian's elder brother, these people call him Jun Yan...

Suddenly, Huangfu Gongchen's eyes bulged again, he opened his mouth and pointed at Gu Junyan, and it took him a long time to find his own voice.

" are...Gu Junyan?!"

Huangfu Gongchen's voice broke when he said Gu Junyan's name.

(End of this chapter)

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