Chapter 1327
"You are the nephew of Ling Xiao and Bai Yunjian, and you are Gu Junyan, the former Generalissimo of Dongzhou!!!"

Hearing his real name in front of the enemy, Gu Junyan was very emotional and happy.

The corners of the lips once again raised a graceful arc: "Yes, this commander is the generalissimo of Dongzhou, Gu, Jun, Yan! Di Qianzhong must have never imagined that this commander could slip away from under his nose and survive. Not to mention It occurred to him that the subordinate he had his eyes on, the subordinate he promised to give away the entire Eastern Continent, was the enemy who had escaped under his nose before.

It's a pity that time doesn't allow, otherwise I really want you to see the grand scene when I became the emperor of Dongzhou.At that time, this commander must be much more majestic than when you ascended the position of Emperor Xizhou. "

Huangfu Gongchen was going to die of anger!

"Gu Qianchou... No, I should call you Gu Junyan now." Huangfu Gongchen said with sadness and sadness on his face, "Do you know why I brought 7 spiritual masters to Dongzhou today? Do you know? Why do I become enemies with the people of Beizhou today?

All because of you! ! ! !Because I want you to be the Great Emperor of Dongzhou, and I want you to stand on the highest point of Dongzhou. As a brother, I hope that your brother can also live a life that everyone envies.So I borrowed from Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng, and Di Wudao some of the most powerful spiritual masters in their hands to intercept and kill Beizhou and his party here.

Because I heard that the Generalissimo of Beizhou broke through a month ago, and his strength reached the fifth level of Lingzun. Wang, it was hard to convince them to give their full support for your ascension.But what about you, you treat me like this!I treat you as a brother, but you treat me as an enemy!Gu Junyan, are you really so heartless? "

Gu Junyan sneered: "Differences do not conspire with each other. From the very beginning, the commander-in-chief regarded you as an enemy, where is the brotherhood? You don't have to be foolish as long-term love. Jie oath, you have already executed this commander as an enemy, so where is the brotherhood?
Don't make yourself look like a saint, in the eyes of this handsome, you and your sage are both clowns! "

"There is more!" The Generalissimo of Beizhou heard the wind and couldn't take it anymore, and interjected: "Marshal Gu has already reached an agreement with my emperor, and the Marshal came to Dongzhou this time to help him. So The improvement of my coach's strength will only help him, not harm him."

Yaoyue also nodded and said: "That's right, the 100 people brought by the prince are also to help fight for the hegemony of Dongzhou."


Huangfu Gongchen didn't know what to say to this group of people.

He blamed himself for being too simple and following the ways of the cunning enemy.

Thinking of something suddenly, Huangfu Gongchen smiled.

"Gu Junyan, you are so deliberate in wanting to get rid of Zhen, but it is just to get 100 million troops under my command. But you have become the emperor of Dongzhou, and you have to hand over the soldier talisman of Xizhou.

Although you did get Dongzhou in the end, Dongzhou has been separated by many heroes for 20 years, and it will take time to completely unify it.Xizhou, which you have been camping for so long, has to reluctantly give up.I dare to assure you that the emperor will not hand over both the East Continent and the West Continent to you at the same time. "

(End of this chapter)

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