My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1328 Slap in the face on the spot

Chapter 1328 Slap in the face on the spot
"I heard that Beixuanmo also made a vow of thunder and robbery in front of the emperor, so I can guarantee that once I die, the position of emperor of Xizhou must belong to Beixuanmo. And you must obediently return the 80 troops you got. .Ha ha ha ha……"


Ye Chuchen's more unrestrained laughter interrupted Huangfu Gongchen's laughter, seeing this woman laughing so wildly, Huangfu Gongchen became inexplicably angry again.

"What are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask your dear brother-in-law."

Ye Chuchen hehehe: "You don't need to ask my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law didn't have the heart to hit you because she saw you were so angry, but you still want to use these trivial things to anger my brother-in-law. It's simply stupid behavior.

My brother-in-law loves you as a 'brother', so let my sister-in-law tell you.Beixuanmo, we all call him Feiyang, he is my second brother-in-law, who is my Xiaotian'er's husband's subordinate. "

"Fart! It's nonsense!"

Huangfu Gongchen's face was flushed red with anger, he felt that he was deliberately teasing him this night and early morning, to make him angry.

"Hey you...Although I often lie at Ye Chuchen, I didn't lie about this matter. I can make the Thunder Tribulation Oath."

"Bei Xuanmo is my right prime minister in Zhongzhou. He has been an official in Zhongzhou for nearly 600 years, and he has won the trust of the emperor. You think you can talk about it casually, and I will believe it? I am stupid and don't know people clearly, but you Don't treat the emperor as a fool. You still made a vow of thunder calamity? Put away your small thoughts of wanting to piss me off, and your thunder calamity vow, do you think I will believe it?"

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen's life-and-death disbelief, Ye Chuchen opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while.

This Huangfu Gongchen's brain is a wonderful flower.

"Believe it or not! Believe it or not, this is a fait accompli."

At this moment, Gu Junyan's jade slip suddenly shone brightly.

Taking out the jade slip and injecting spiritual power, a voice suddenly came from the jade slip.

"Jun Yan, just received the news from the lord, the lord ordered me to tell you that Huangfu Gongchen borrowed 6 masters of the fifth and sixth levels of Lingzun from Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng and Di Wudi to go to Dongzhou Continent. Together with the sixth-level Spiritual Venerable who protected him beside him, he attacked 7 people.

The Lord estimated that he brought these people to Dongzhou to help you deal with people from Beizhou and Nanzhou.Pay attention, Nanzhou doesn't care, but don't let him plot against General Wen and his party. "

This voice, so unstoppable, happened to be Beixuanmo that Huangfu Gongchen was talking about.

This time...


Huangfu Gongchen was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood again, Ye Chuchen couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha... This is simply a stroke of genius, a slap in the face! Huangfu Gongchen, this girl will ask you: Does your face hurt? Huh? Does it hurt? Hahaha... still Say I fart, this girl never farts in public, okay! Tsk tsk, didn’t you say that your emperor is not a fool? My girl sees that Di Qianzhong is the biggest fool in the world!"

For a woman who used him thoroughly and abandoned him like a shoe after she had no use value, he actually did so many things for her.This is not stupid at all, this is simply bewildered!

(End of this chapter)

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