My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1329 I won't tell you

Chapter 1329 I won't tell you

Huangfu Gongchen's face turned red with anger, and suddenly thought of the mirror image symbol he had opened, and began to comfort himself.

Although he failed, so what?
He failed because of the relationship between Gu Junyan and Hua Lixiao, but he let the emperor know about Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the nether world, and Bei Xuanmo.

As long as he also asks the mastermind behind Beixuanmo, it will be death, and he is worth it.

With so many people buried with him, he still has a lot of face.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Gongchen said again: "Since you have already regarded me as a dead person, then tell me by the way, who is the master that Beixuanmo is talking about!"

Gu Junyan smiled slightly: "It's okay to tell you. He is my senior brother, the son of Feng Qing, the lord of Hunyuan Continent, the foster son of Emperor Ling Xiao of Dongzhou, and Prince Yong of Dongzhou—Feng Yun."

"What?" Huangfu Gongchen, who felt that he would not be surprised when he heard anything, roared in shock at this moment, no matter how well he built his heart: "Feng Yun is not dead? And he... turned out to be Feng Qing's son? When did Feng Qing have a son? Feng Qing is a phoenix! Do you want to say that Feng Yun is also a phoenix?"

You know, this world originally belonged to Feng Qing.

Until now, the common people in the world have not adored Feng Qing in the slightest.

If the people are allowed to know that Feng Yun is Feng Qing's own son and the real master of this continent, then a huge riot will be set off.

"Hehe, not only is my brother-in-law a phoenix, but Beixuanmo is also a phoenix!"

Huangfu Gongchen: ...! ! !
"But Sheng Jun said that he saw Feng Yun blew himself up and died. How could he not die?"

"My brother-in-law didn't die, he died. He was killed by your emperor Qianzhong 20 years ago, and he blew himself up in front of him.

But I told you just now, my brother-in-law is Phoenix!The phoenix is ​​a divine beast, and it can be reborn. How can its vitality be imagined by you little ants?Ahhh, by the way, you must not know, my brother-in-law was not only reborn, but also reborn in Central Continent, guess who is he from Central Continent? "

Ye Chuchen's words made Huangfu Gongchen's eyes widen, and he asked anxiously and itchyly, "Who is he?"

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen's eagerness to know, Ye Chuchen smirked and said, "He is..."

It took a long time before continuing: "Who, why should I tell you?"

After finishing speaking, he also sang the nursery rhyme "Little Dragon Man" that the old man taught them when they were young on earth: "I won't tell you, I won't tell you, I won't--tell you!"






There was a lot of laughing voices at the scene.

It's just too annoying, isn't it?

This kind of person is simply too annoying, isn't it?

Although they belonged to two opposing sides, they also felt sorry for Huangfu Gongchen.

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen who spewed out a big mouthful of blood again, everyone wanted to help him get rid of the breath that was stuck in his chest.

So pitiful.

Furious to the extreme, Huangfu Gongchen burst out laughing instead.

"Are you laughing?" Ye Chuchen asked.

While laughing, Huangfu Gongchen took out the mirror image talisman hidden in his bosom, and injected spiritual power. What they had been talking about from the beginning was recorded from the mirror image talisman at this moment without any omission.

The people from Beizhou and Quan Moying all frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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