My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1330 Mushroom Cool, Evil

Chapter 1330 Mushroom Cool, Evil
"Since Hua Lixiao is a Taoist talisman master, you should be very familiar with Taoist talismans, right? The Taoist talisman in my hand is called the Mother-in-Child Mirror Image Talisman. I believe all the bigwigs present have studied this and know the Mother-in-Child Mirror Image Talisman. So now comes the question, it’s your turn to guess. Guess, who owns the mother symbol of this mirror image symbol? Who did you show your wonderful performance just now? "

Appreciating the seriousness of Beizhou's group of people and even the lord of the Netherworld, Huangfu Gongchen felt very refreshed and had the pleasure of avenging himself.

Just about to burst out laughing, Ling Tian, ​​who had been trying not to laugh, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Seeing Ling Tian laughing so joyously, Huangfu Gongchen didn't even have the mood to smile in an instant.

"Hahahaha... Huangfu Gongchen, your mother must have been caught in the door when she was pregnant with you, right? You have already said that my Huahua is a Taoist talisman, and you still use the mirror image talisman in front of my Huahua?
Could it be that after your mother's stomach was caught by the door, the contents of your intestines were poured into your brain?Hold the grass!I seriously suspect that after killing you later, if you pry your forehead open, the dung beetle inside will wave and smile at me! "




Everyone looked at Ling Tian, ​​feeling ashamed for a while.

The dung beetle would wave and smile at her. Doesn't this mean that the poured shit attracted the dung beetle to his brain?

I feel sick just thinking about it!

Gu Liang, you are so scolding...

It's disgusting!
Those who are familiar with Ling Tian know that this is a poisonous tongue that can't control his mouth.Those who didn't know were all ashamed, thankful that they didn't make Ling Tian an enemy.

Otherwise, regardless of the four super powerful phantom beasts she contracted, just relying on her mouth can make the enemy mad!

And Hua Lixiao on the side nodded seriously: "Well, yes, you just opened the Mirror Image Talisman and I have already intercepted its Dao Talisman, and Di Qianzhong couldn't see it."

She didn't want to tell Huangfu Gongchen that Di Qianzhong already knew about Feng Yun.

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen was so angry that he vomited blood and nearly became anemic, Senior Sister Hua, who has always been noble and aloof, also became playful, and said to Huangfu Gongchen who was vomiting blood: "Huangfu Gongchen, Anyway, I also occupy the body of the real Hua Lixiao, so in terms of blood relationship, you are my brother-in-law. Since I am your sister-in-law, I will tell you kindly, so that you can die more clearly. My brother-in-law Feng Yun was reborn in Central Continent, and now he is the Crown Prince of Central Continent, Emperor Wushang, the future Great Emperor of Central Continent. How is it? Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Pfft, cough cough cough...Pfft!"

Huangfu Gongchen hadn't finished spitting old blood, and was so angry by Hua Lixiao that he squirted several mouthfuls of blood, staggered in the air, and his body was not stable.

Seeing Huangfu Gongchen like this, everyone couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

As expected of the three sisters, they all have the ability to piss people off.

Who killed Huangfu Gongchen was quickly forgotten by everyone.

After all, it would not be too easy for a group of strong men above the peak of Lingzun to kill an ant at the second level of Lingzun.

But looking at the two sisters who were Huang Lingsheng intermediate two months ago, they have broken through from the Huang Lingsheng level to the peak of Lingzun after only two months of absence.

(End of this chapter)

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