My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1331 Still a Stupid Dragon

Chapter 1331 Still a Stupid Dragon

Yaoyue opened her mouth and looked at the people in front of her with black spiritual power radiating from their bodies, they were all bad.

Envy, jealousy and hatred filled his eyes, which instantly turned red.

"Xiao Lingzi, Xiao Yezi, why? Why is this? Why did your spiritual power increase so quickly?"

"Yes, Odd, Encounter!"

Seeing Ling Tiantian's death, Huangfu Gongchen, and looking at his own prince again, Wenfeng who was beside him sighed.

What a bunch of pissed off women who don't pay for their lives!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been imprisoned in the palace by the emperor all year round, and he is not allowed to come out.As soon as he came out now, he met such a terrible friend, and he didn't know whether it was the luck or misfortune of His Highness the Crown Prince.

"His Royal Highness, everyone has their own encounters. When His Royal Highness grew up happily under the emperor's knees and was protected by the emperor in every possible way, His Royal Highness, the princess, ushered in great changes in Dongzhou when he was born. As a result, he had to leave with Daoist Tong Tian own homeland.

God is fair to everyone.Her Royal Highness the princess encountered a catastrophe, and she survived the catastrophe, and now it is her blessing.Therefore, His Royal Highness does not need to be envious.To have a friend like Her Highness the Princess, Her Highness the Crown Prince is also very lucky, isn't he? "

Wenfeng's enlightenment did not make Yaoyue put away even the slightest bit of envy and jealousy, but instead made Ling Tian and his party really look up to Wenfeng.

No wonder there are many people in Beizhou who are stronger than Wenfeng, but only Wenfeng can become the Grand Marshal who holds Beizhou's lifeblood.

Such a person is indeed enough to gain the trust and reuse of Emperor Beizhou.

"Thanks to Her Royal Highness Princess and Lord Lord for the timely rescue, Wen is very grateful."

"Marshal, why are you thanking me? This is my second sister! We are all in the same family. Isn't it right for her to save my younger brother?"

Yaoyue, who was envious and jealous one moment, started beeping the next moment.The look on your face that you are too familiar with outsiders makes everyone unable to hold back a burst of laughter.

"Your Highness, these are the people brought by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. They all swore the Thunder Tribulation Oath of loyalty to the Crown Prince in front of the Emperor, and they are all trustworthy.

In the eyes of Her Royal Highness, these people may have low strength, but they can sneak into the ranks of Xizhou soldiers, or be on call at any time, and become the assist of Marshal Gu's conferment of the emperor this time. "

"It's all my own, so I won't be polite."

Facing Beizhou's great help, Ling Tian accepted it frankly.

"Of course! They are all our own people."

After all, Wen Feng came to Mu Hun, and before Mu Hun could react, he brought 100 masters to kneel down.

"Wenfeng met Master Qinglong. Master Qinglong, my emperor cried for a long time after hearing that you were still alive. But because we still have enemies around us, it is not convenient for the emperor to go in person. She ordered his subordinates to Bringing her words back, she said: She will always be your sister Yuanshuang, and in her heart, she will always only recognize you as an elder brother. Your business is her business. What you want to do, you only need to order , the entire Beizhou, will go through fire and water, and will do whatever it takes."

Mu Hun bent down and helped Wenfeng up himself.

That serious look made Ye Chuchen's heart slightly bulge.

Emma, ​​such a handsome and serious Muhun... Could it be that her stupid dragon has recovered his memory?
"Is she retarded?"

Wenfeng: "...!!"

Ye Chuchen: ...! !Huhu, fortunately, he is still a stupid dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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