Chapter 1339
"Anyway, my spiritual power has reached its peak state, and I can already engrave the most high-end inscriptions and Taoist symbols. During this period of time, while we are still in Dongzhou, I will take back the things and reload the inscription patterns inside. When the time comes to Zhongzhou..." Hua Lixiao raised her lips: "If we don't turn the Zhongzhou Emperor Palace upside down, we won't be called Tongtian Trio."

"Pfft hahaha..."

"What are you laughing at?" Ling Tian was puzzled.

"Speaking of Xiaotian, who in the first place chose the low b name of 'Tongtian Trio'? I haven't heard this name for a long time, and suddenly popped out from the innermost part of Huahua, which inexplicably touched my joy. "

"And now that my younger brother is joining, you can't be called a trio anymore, so let's change the name!"

Knowing that the eldest sister really made him a Transformer, and hearing the explanation of the Transformer by the eldest sister just now, Yaoyue felt that she was about to start a life of flamboyance, and her whole body was excited.

Hua Lixiao's cold face twitched: "The name Tongtian Trio seems to be given to us by Master. At that time, didn't you two still think the name Trafeng?"

"What are you talking about!" Ling Tian couldn't laugh or cry: "We were only three years old at that time, or two years old? At that time, the aesthetics were not perfect, big sister!"

"Hahahaha...that's no wonder. To be honest, I always thought it was Huahua's name!"

"..." Hua Lixiao stretched out his hand and tapped Ye Chuchen's forehead: "In your eyes, am I such a low-level person?"

"Hahaha, Huahua, you finally admit that the old man is low b? Every time Xiaotian and I speak ill of the old man, you have to stand up and speak out against us. In fact, in your heart, the old man is really a very low person." Right?"

Hua Lixiao: "..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After finishing the business, the four of them started chatting.

Four people, four different personalities, but they were able to chat this day very happily and happily.

When Elder Dong waited for the three Spiritual Venerables to come to the four of them with their faces masked, what they heard was the sound of the four laughing happily.

"It seems that the four of you have a very good relationship!"

Elder Yuan specially changed his voice before speaking sarcastically.

Li Tian and Li Bai, who are mere Huang Lingsheng, want to step on their heads.

How dare you embarrass them!
Without the protection of Mengcheng, the lord of the Soul Palace, these two people are nothing but ants in front of them.An ant that can be completely crushed with just one finger.

In order to frighten these four people, Elder Dong, Elder Yuan and Elder Rong ignited raging spiritual power.

The lavender color of the spiritual power indicated that the three people standing in front of them at this moment were spiritual masters.

After Elder Yuan made a sarcasm, he really wanted to see Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen look frightened.



Not only not, but Ye Chuchen sneered and said: "Nonsense! Are you mentally retarded? We are four siblings, of course we have a good relationship."

Being slapped so mercilessly by Ye Chuchen, Elder Yuan was instantly speechless with anger.

"Yellow-mouthed child, you dare to speak hard when you are about to die."

"Death is imminent?"

Ye Chuchen grinned and took down the fruit wood roast duck that had been tested on the grill, and methodically took out a large plate from the space, put the roast duck on it, and then looked at Elder Yuan and said, "Those who are about to die should It's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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