Chapter 1340 Save Me
"Elder Dong, Elder Yuan, Elder Rong, the three majestic spirits, you still have to cover your face when you kill a mere Huang Lingsheng warrior like us, are you afraid of tarnishing the title of spirits? To say you are cowards is flattering you!"

After all, Ye Chuchen pushed the roast duck to Hua Liming: "Huahua, it's finished roasting, you can order a piece of duck."

The aroma of the fruit wood roasted duck spread around in an instant, bringing the three elders who were in shock back to their senses in an instant.

"No, there is a fraud!"

Elder Dong was the first to react and ran away.

Elder Yuan and Elder Rong were taken aback, and countless beads of sweat immediately covered the top of the mask.

Once the killing of the deputy hall master is caught by the hall master himself, even if they have the mirror image amulet, they can save their lives, but it is impossible to stay in the soul hall.

So the three of them fled quickly like frightened snakes.





The four of Ling Tian glanced at each other, they were planning to act aggressively before making a move, but before they had time to stand up, the three old bastards ran away!


It's just depressing!

The four of them were clearly here just to wait for the rabbit. Who knew that the rabbit would be scared away when it appeared.

Ever since, everyone cast their resentful eyes on Ye Chuchen.

"..." Ye Chuchen opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

She is also very wronged!

But fortunately, the three of them had just escaped for less than a minute before turning back again.

"Hmph, I was almost fooled by you guys."

"Although the strength is a bit weak, the reaction is not bad!"

"But it's useless. No matter how good the response is, you will die today."

The three elders spoke one by one, and finally Elder Dong took off his face scarf: "Since we already know that it is the three of us, then we will not hide anymore. As you said, you are only at the level of Huang Lingsheng. In the eyes of the three Spiritual Venerables, you are nothing but ants."

"Elder Dong, why are you talking so much nonsense with them? Just kill them, lest you have long nights and dreams."

"it is good."

Elder Dong nodded, and then he flew over in person, ready to end the lives of Ling Tian and the others.

Originally, it only needed one palm, and Ling Tian and the three of them died.

But he was afraid that this palm would be too powerful and would attract Fei Chen and the others, so he did it himself, preparing to assassinate these four people here quietly.

However, as they flew into the air, seeing that they were only less than five meters away from Ling Tian and the others, the four people who would be killed by him as long as they moved their fingers gave weird smiles one after another.

Elder Dong is an old man, and almost the moment the few people raised their smiles, a chill came down their spines, and an extremely bad feeling rose in their hearts.

It was a feeling of impending doom.

Elder Dong was about to retreat immediately, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't move!
Yes, I can't move!
Completely unable to move!
Elder Dong was terrified and shouted, "Help me!"

But there was no sound from behind.

Because at the moment Elder Dong's body was imprisoned, the bodies of Elder Yuan and Elder Rong were also imprisoned.

Hearing Elder Dong's cry for help, the remaining two were already frightened to death, so they didn't have the courage to speak out.

The three of them looked at Ling Tian and the others in horror.

The reason why they were terrified was because they thought that these four people still exuded the aura of Huang Lingsheng!

(End of this chapter)

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