My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1341 Hua Lixiao What Are You?

Chapter 1341 Hua Lixiao What Are You?

But in the blink of an eye, although the one named Yueyao still had the aura of Huang Lingsheng, they could no longer feel the aura of Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen.

The three people who were in shock didn't understand what was going on, Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen emitted black spiritual power one after another.

The three of them stared, and their eyeballs almost fell out. the peak of Lingzun! ! ! !

Only superpowers who have broken through the peak of the ninth level of Lingzun can have the spiritual power of this color appear on their body.

And as far as they know, only Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent in this world can reach the level of black spiritual power. Even the color of spiritual power on Beizhou and Nanzhou Great Emperors is only dark purple to black at first glance. the point.

But my God!

Who did they provoke?

Why do these seemingly young people burn with pure black spiritual power?

"Ex... senior, calm down! Senior, forgive me! Yes... I offended you! No, no, no... We were just deceived by others and helped them kill the three seniors. Please forgive us, we can put The people behind the scenes told the seniors! We are innocent too!"

Elder Dong's whole body was fixed in the air, unable to move at all.But at this time, Ling Tian, ​​Ye Chuchen, Hua Lixiao, and Yaoyue slowly stood up from the ground, so scared that Elder Dong's face turned blue instantly.

"Oh, being deceived?"

"Yes! That's right! It was the purple-clothed saintess and the ruby-jade saintess who wanted to kill the three of them. This matter really has nothing to do with us. We were also forced to do nothing."

"Yeah, we were also forced to do nothing. We are not the kind of people who fight and kill at every turn. We were also threatened by the two saintesses. We had no choice but to kill everyone."

After witnessing the spiritual power of Ling Tian and the other three, their guts were about to turn green with regret.


Who will tell them why these three young men are above the peak of Lingzun?

Why would a peak-level figure in the mainland who is so awesome to be able to face Di Qianzhong hide his strength as Huang Lingsheng?

Isn't this funny?

"Ji Qingfu and Hongyu are here. Tell me, how did they threaten you? They have lost their aura of saintess, and they have made mistakes. They are both guilty. They are just two little girls. Girl, how did you threaten the three elders of the foreign cabinet? When you were threatened, why didn't you report it? Instead, you did such a treasonous thing as murdering the deputy hall master?"

The three people were still apologizing non-stop, Fei Chen had already led the middle and high-level people in the Hall of Souls to walk in front of the three of them.

Behind Feichen, Ji Qingfu and Hongyu watched this scene with pale faces.

Especially Hongyu, when she saw that the three elders were arrested but Hua Lixiao was still alive, the hatred that shot out from her eyes was simply destructive.

Hua Lixiao turned her head and saw Hongyu, as well as the hatred in her eyes.

Slowly walking in front of Hongyu, raised her slender hand, and with a "pop", directly knocked Hongyu to the ground.

With this slap, Hua Lixiao didn't use her spiritual power, because she knew that Hongyu's spiritual power had been destroyed by Qin Lang.

"Hua Lixiao, what are you that dare to hit me?"

Hongyu lay on the ground, stroking her swollen cheek with one hand, but staring at Hua Lixiao with deep hatred in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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