Chapter 1342
Only the remaining three elders were still defending themselves, trying to win a way out.

"Hallmaster, this is the scene we quietly recorded with the mirror image symbol when Ji Qingfu came to us and threatened us."

"Yes, Hall Master, Deputy Hall Master, we are really forced to do nothing! As you can see, we are just coerced by others. We admit that we are guilty, but... But after so many years, we are also forced to do so. For the sake of repeatedly making contributions to the Soul Palace, please spare our lives!"

"Just take out this mirror image talisman and show it to everyone, why don't you take out the other one too?"

Ling Tian's words were light and light, but it made the elder Dong and the three of them frighten to pee in an instant.

The three of them grew their mouths, their faces were filled with infinite fear, their throats seemed to be choked, their voices were stuck in their throats, and they couldn't speak a word.

"What? You don't want to take it out? It's okay, you don't want to take out another mirror image symbol, but I have it here."

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian took out a Mirror Image Talisman and crushed it.

After that, everyone saw the conversation between Ji Qingfu, Elder Dong, Elder Yuan, and Elder Rong in a secluded tea house.

Including after they reached an agreement, they asked Ji Qingfu to rehearse with them, and the conversation that they wanted to get two mirror images to protect themselves, also fell into the ears of everyone present verbatim.

"Needless to say. These five people are not only a disgrace to the Soul Palace, but also cruel. If their lives are saved, they will definitely become a disaster to the Soul Palace in the future. Kill them."

"Yes, your subordinates obey!"

Feichen clasped his fists, and for the second time showed his attitude of respecting Ling Tian in front of everyone. The mid-level and high-level people in the Hall of Soul were completely confused about the situation.

"I'm Fu Hongyu. My mother, Ling Zheng, is the cousin of Dongzhou Great Emperor Ling Xiao. You lowly foreign ant, why do you kill me? What qualifications do you have to kill me? And Mengcheng, you Don't forget who you belong to? The Lord didn't even order me to be executed, so why do you obey this lowly ant and want to kill me? I don't accept it!"

Ji Qingfu on the side also came to his senses at this moment, thinking that he was about to be executed, he also went all out.

"Yes, Hongyu is right! My grandfather is the cousin of Emperor Ling Xiao of Dongzhou, and I am the great nephew of Emperor Ling Xiao. You sects established with the resources of Dongzhou, what qualifications do you have to execute me and Hongyu?" Yu? Even if the Lord comes up, he is not qualified to execute us!"

Elder Dong, Elder Yuan, and Elder Rong, who had never understood why the Hall of Souls wanted to get a few saintesses out, stared at this moment, only then did they realize that they had stepped into a boat of thieves.

The Soul Palace they had stayed for many years turned out to be the remnants of Dongzhou!

They joined the Soul Palace just because of the large scale of the Soul Palace, the many ways to make money, and the fast speed of getting up to the top. Who would have thought that this was actually caused by the remnants of Dongzhou.

At this moment, the three of them felt regretful, and immediately looked at the other two Elders Qu and Elder Qi who had never been with them.

However, these two people were not surprised at all when they faced the news.

The three of them were downcast.

It seems that these two people have known the details of the Soul Palace for a long time.

Or...they came in because they knew the details of the Soul Palace.So for so many years, these two people have never been with them.

(End of this chapter)

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