My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1346 The Resentment of Two Continents

Chapter 1346 Resentment Between Two Continents
"This question... Different people have different opinions!"

Emperor Qi Wudao came out to smooth things over, and Emperor Yong Wuzheng on the side immediately changed the subject and said: "Marshals and soldiers have worked hard, everyone traveled a long distance to East Qin, why not stay in East Qin for a day today, Let’s go to the River of Tears tomorrow, shall we?”

"No need. We are all warriors, and we haven't spent a lot of spiritual power, so there is no need to rest."

Wenfeng didn't give Zhongzhou any face at all, and Ye Nantian said even more shamelessly: "Also, to advise the three princes, it is because there is no confirmed manager in Dongzhou now, so the continents let Dongzhou go. But a few days later , the winner will be able to compete. I only hope that after Dongzhou has a legitimate winner, the princes can take care of your legs. Otherwise, Dongzhou will be chaotic. If something unexpected happens, I am afraid that the Great Marshal of Zhongzhou It's going to be our managers who are to blame."

Qian Wang Di Wutian smiled slightly, his attitude was still calm and unhurried, as graceful and elegant as a gentleman.

"Hearing Marshal Ye's words, this king thought that the jurisdiction of Dongzhou had already been handed over to Nanzhou. Marshal Ye, don't worry, the contract was concluded between the father and the emperors of Nanzhou and Beizhou. I will not break my promise. If one of Generalissimo Ye and Generalissimo Wen wins the championship in this competition, I, Central Continent, will definitely evacuate people as soon as possible."

In other words - we still have Gu Qianchou, the Generalissimo!

Seeing that Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng and Di Wudao looked complacent until the end, Ye Nantian was in an extremely bad mood.

Gu Qianchou!
Ye Nantian glanced at Gu Junyan who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, as if he had already regarded him as an enemy.

"Since all the marshals don't intend to rest, let's go directly to the River of Tears." Di Wutian said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, this is the Three Continents Contest, and the three princes of Central Continent are going with them, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

Although King Qian, King Yong and King Qi are princes, they are out-and-out spiritual masters.Especially Qianwang, whose strength has reached the fifth level of Lingzun.

The strength of their three generals is only at the fourth level of Lingzun. If a fifth-level Lingzun is allowed to follow Gu Qianchou, Nanzhou's chances of winning may not be much.

"Marshal Ye is serious. This king said that he will never break the contract with Nanzhou and Beizhou. However, this king and Marshal Gu are old acquaintances. The contract should not specify that the marshals cannot bring friends with them. ?”

"..." Ye Nantian was stunned by Di Wutian, his face flushed red with anger, but he couldn't find any words to refute.

He knew that Di Qianzhong would not keep his promise peacefully.

"I hope you can truly abide by what His Royal Highness said. We have brought enough mirror images of mother and child. If someone violates the regulations during the hegemony competition, then Nanzhou and Beizhou will definitely not recognize this result."

The complexions of Di Wutian and the other three became unsightly because of the matter of the mother-child mirror image symbol, but they were still very humble in words.

"Marshal Ye and Marshal Wen don't worry, the three of us brothers are indeed just here as spectators. Since you don't need my three brothers to be hosts, then follow the emperor of the Eastern Qin Dynasty."

After finishing speaking, Di Wutian looked at Gu Junyan and said, "Marshal Gu, how about I wait in your flying boat?"

Gu Junyan smiled slightly: "It's an honor."

(End of this chapter)

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