My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1347 Movie Emperor

Chapter 1347 Movie Emperor
The East Qin Dynasty was just a mere dynasty on the outskirts of Dongzhou. As the Emperor of East Qin, he naturally didn't have the flying boats that only first-class forces could have.

But this hegemony contest is the handiwork of the royal families of all continents. Even the soldiers participating in the hegemony contest come by flying boats. There are at least 12 flying boats on each continent. The civil and military officials of the Eastern Qin Dynasty separated the people, and they boarded it with ease.

Although it was a hegemony contest between three continents, the Eastern Qin Emperor was not optimistic about Nanzhou and Beizhou, so he divided his civil and military ministers into the flying boats of Nanzhou and Beizhou, and he followed the three Central Continents. The prince boarded the flying boat in Xizhou.

After getting on the flying boat, the expressions of Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng and Di Wudao changed at the same time.

"Marshal Gu, do you know that something happened to Emperor Huangfu?"

Gu Junyan's expression changed drastically, and he asked nervously, "What happened? Is he okay?"

Di Wutian shook his head: "Not good! Not good at all! Emperor Huangfu was killed."

"W-what?" Gu Junyan dragged his voice out, with a look of disbelief.

"How is this possible? Although the commander is not in Xizhou, Dijun has always been a cautious person. In order to prevent the assassination of the Lei Lingzun, he also asked Dijun for a sixth-level Lingzun to protect him. When Dijun was killed, Where is the sixth-level spiritual master?"

Seeing the unstoppable anger in Gu Junyan's eyes, and knowing nothing about Huangfu Gongchen's affairs, Di Wutian and the three quickly comforted him.

"It seems that Marshal Gu really doesn't know anything about it."

Gu Junyan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Three lords, what's going on? Look at your eyes... It seems that this matter has something to do with Gu?"

Di Wutian sighed: "This matter indeed has a lot to do with Marshal Gu."

"Brother, it's a little biased for you to say that. This matter has nothing to do with Marshal Gu. It's all made by Emperor Huangfu alone."

"That's right, brother, this matter can only be said to be that Emperor Huangfu was reckless."

"My lords, what's going on? Can you tell me first?" When Gu Junyan spoke, it was difficult to hide the sadness in his eyes.

"Emperor Huangfu learned that Beizhou Wenfeng's strength had suddenly been upgraded to the fifth-level spiritual master. He was afraid that you would lose in the hegemony competition, so he borrowed a fifth-level spiritual master and a sixth-level spiritual master from the king, Yong king and Qi king respectively. Spiritual Venerable, plus the sixth-level Spiritual Venerable who protects him, there are seven people in total, and they want to come to Dongzhou to help you."

Hearing these words, Gu Junyan's face remained unchanged, but the depths of his eyes shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of self-blame seeped out.

"Originally he planned to take seven people to intercept Beizhou Wenfeng and his party, but they were killed the day before yesterday. This king, King Yong, and King Qi all had soul beads of their own guardians in their hands. The three of us were together the day before yesterday However, who would have thought that the six soul beads suddenly shattered.

Afterwards, we used the jade slips to contact Zhongzhou, and Father Huang confirmed that Emperor Huangfu's soul orb was also shattered. "

After listening to Di Wutian's words, Gu Junyan fell into a long silence.

He didn't say a word, but the three princes and even the emperor of the Eastern Qin Dynasty could feel the pain in his heart.

Hua Lixiao at the side stretched out her hand, held the back of Gu Junyan's clenched hand, and supported him silently, but she was sighing in her heart, if Gu Junyan was placed in modern times, he would be an actor of the acting school.

(End of this chapter)

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