Chapter 1350

"Later, a field soldier in Xizhou was hunted down by me, hid in the mountains, and was rescued by the two of them. After knowing the amazing strength of the two of them, the man became malicious and wanted to take them away There was a conflict between the two sides. The field army called many people to besiege them. Unexpectedly, this wave of people had been targeted by me, so while destroying the field army, I also took advantage of the situation to save the two brothers.

After knowing their situation, I let them go back to the mountains.Before participating in the hegemony competition, I went to the mountains to beg for elixir, but after they knew that I was going to participate in the hegemony competition, they decided to come out of the mountain with me. "


Everyone didn't want to talk anymore, especially the three kings.

Because they all felt that Gu Junyan's luck was really good.If such a person is found by them, there will be nothing wrong with the crown prince Di Wushang.

"Although Qianqiu has its own advantages now, we have to guard against Beizhou." Di Wutian also started to get close to Gu Junyan, and stopped calling him Marshal Gu.

"That's right." Di Wuzheng nodded, and followed suit, saying, "Although Qianqiu's strength can reach level seven, but Beizhou's ability to wipe out the seven masters of Emperor Huangfu in a short period of time is enough to show that their There are also seventh-level masters around, and there may be more than one."

"Don't worry about this. The list of the Three Continents Contest has already been made public. Who are the participating characters and how strong are they? They have all been reported. After arriving today, they will be tested by all parties. There are Hu Ge and With Lu Han around, those who disguised themselves and hid their strength to enter the ranks of soldiers could not escape their eyes."

"That's great!"

Feizhou brought the soldiers from Sanzhou to the River of Tears soon.

The place that was originally lush and green, now looking around, it is a piece of scorched earth as far as the eye can see.

Gu Junyan helped Hua Lixiao get off the flying boat, and the three princes sent Ling Tian and the others off the flying boat as if they were worshiping Buddha.

This is the first time in the past 20 years that Gu Junyan set foot on this scorched earth again.

The black color under his feet was bought by his beloved relatives and comrades-in-arms in exchange for self-explosion.

Stepping on this scorched land, Gu Junyan felt as if he was supported by millions of soldiers.At this moment, they were all looking at him in the sky.

Watch him toy with his enemies to applause.

Watch him take back the lost mountains and rivers with his own ability!

At this moment, not only Gu Junyan, but Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao, Ye Chuchen, Mu Hun and Yaoyue's hearts were all filled with an unknown emotion.

"Brother, although you are not in Dongzhou at the moment, it is the same for my eldest cousin and I to take Dongzhou back by ourselves. Just wait and hear our good news!"

"Father, mother, my brother and I are back. Can you see us in the sky? Today, I will join hands with my brother and personally take back Dongzhou from the enemy. But this is just interest! The people who passed through our Eastern Continent paid a price they couldn't bear. From today on, I will let everyone in the entire Hunyuan Continent know that I, the little princess of the Eastern Continent, is not easy to mess with!"

Stepping on the scorched land, looking at the blue sky, Ling Tian smiled happily.

"Does Brother Hu like the blue sky?"

Ling Tian glanced at Di Wutian, who was close at hand, and called him an idiot in his heart, but he was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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