My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1351 1 group of mentally retarded

Chapter 1351

"Well. I like good weather. Every time I see a blue sky, I feel good."

"Little brother Hu is really a kind person."

"Yeah, people like this are usually full of sunshine in their hearts!"

Di Wuzheng and Di Wudao immediately flattered Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's teeth were already sore, but the Eastern Qin Emperor followed up and added: "What a wonderful, unpretentious child!"

Di Wutian, Di Wuzheng, Di Wudao: ...

Have a problem with your brain?

Lingtian, Hualixiao, Yechuchen, Muhun, Yaoyue: ...

A group of retarded people! !

The Three Continents Contest is considered an unrivaled battle for warriors in the entire Hunyuan Continent.

Warriors from all corners of the Hunyuan Continent gathered to watch the battle whenever they had the chance.

When Ling Tian followed Gu Junyan's Xizhou team to the arena, the originally endless black desolate land was already crowded with people.

The playing field has already been set up, which is about the size of 100 stadiums.In order to prevent the audience from being accidentally injured by Lingzun's fight, Gu Junyan, Wen Feng and Ye Nantian will jointly protect the competition venue with a barrier later.

The game is divided into four rounds.

The first three games are contests between generalissimo, Gu Junyan, Wen Feng and Ye Nantian will face each other, and the victor will get 10 points

In the fourth game, the generals of each continent led their 5000 soldiers to fight against the other two continents.When the time is up, the team with the most surviving soldiers gets 20 points, No.2 gets 10 points, and the last one gets no points.

After four games, the continent with the most points wins.

Since the contestants in this competition are the judges, life and death are not remembered.But if you still attack after admitting defeat, it is the opponent's fault.

People from the three continents have brought enough mother-child mirror symbols, and they will record everything that happened on the entire arena in detail. The emperors from all continents will see what happened on the Dongzhou arena at the first time. thing.

Once something unfair or more excessive happens, just wait for the other two continents to relentlessly crusade.

So this game can be said to be very simple and straightforward.

It's about fighting for strength.

After the Grand Marshals from the three continents entered the arena to inspect it, they teamed up to set up an enchantment around the arena to prevent anyone from tampering with it.

"It's just after noon. I wonder if the three marshals are going to start the game now, or tomorrow?"

Looking at the smiling Di Wutian, Ye Nantian felt a very bad premonition.

On the flying boat just now, he learned that Wenfeng's strength has been upgraded from the fourth level of Lingzun to the fifth level of Lingzun.This is simply extremely bad news for Nanzhou, who is determined to win this time.

Presumably Xizhou should have heard of such an astonishing news, but at this moment Di Wutian still looks ruddy and determined to win.

"I have no objection to this handsome." Gu Junyan spoke first.

"The commander-in-chief also has no objection." Wen Feng also spoke.

Only Ye Nantian pondered for a moment, and said: "I feel a little tired, the two generals, don't you mind if we have another competition tomorrow?"



As a result, Marshal Nanzhou, who was eager to start the match, proposed a delay before the match.

The spectators had already been waiting here for this competition, in order to occupy a good position.

(End of this chapter)

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