Chapter 1359 Death

But how is this possible?
Because King Qian had already transmitted his voice secretly, and told Gu Junyan that Ye Nantian's sign was the one on the left.

Only then did Ye Nantian realize that he was being tricked by Zhongzhou.

The originally pretty face instantly darkened.

But on second thought, so what?

Gu Qianchou is just a martial artist at the fourth level of Lingzun, and he has just been promoted to the fourth level of Lingzun, but he is a high-level fourth-level Lingzun.

As long as Gu Qianchou doesn't use any other means, he can crush them with just strength.

After the two entered the arena, Ye Nantian took the initiative to attack Gu Junyan with the sound of "the competition begins" from King Qian, and attacked Gu Junyan with a purple streamer that was so fast that people could barely see it.

But Gu Junyan didn't hide at this moment, and directly met Ye Nantian's blow.

At the moment when he leaned forward to meet Ye Nantian, the aura on his body instantly changed. The moment the fourth-level Lingzun faced Ye Nantian, he instantly turned into a sixth-level Lingzun, and even faintly turned into a seventh-level Lingzun .

Ye Nantian was horrified, it was already impossible to withdraw his body.

"I..." Before admitting defeat, Gu Junyan had poured the heaviest blow of the seventh-level spiritual master into a seventh-grade spiritual sword in his hand.

Seventh Grade Spirit Sword with a [-]% increase!
Seeing the six ancient giant elephants appearing above Gu Junyan's head, Ye Nantian's eyes popped.

This means that Gu Junyan not only has the spiritual power of a seventh-level spiritual master at this moment, but also has six times the spiritual power of a seventh-level spiritual master because of this spirit sword.

This is so...

Seeing that sharp sword slashing towards him without any muddle in the air, Ye Nantian was so frightened that his mind split.

He never thought that Gu Qianchou would have such strength, let alone that Gu Qianchou with such strength would kill him as soon as he came.

Ye Nantian couldn't figure it out, why did he offend Gu Qianchou?

With a lot of thoughts, Ye Nantian quickly stretched out a hand to pinch the jade slip hanging on his body, and at the same time said quickly, "I admit defeat".

However, after only one word, the seventh-grade spiritual sword fell towards him.

The moment the seventh-grade spiritual sword fell, Ye Nantian also crushed the jade slip and was teleported outside the arena.

However, following a muffled sound, there was only half of Ye Nantian's body outside the arena.The other half was not successfully teleported and landed in the field.

There was an instant silence.

All the spectators were dumbfounded there, looking at the half of the body on the field, looking at the half of the body outside the field, they had no idea what happened between the flashes of light and flint.Why did the Marshal Nanzhou's body become in two just after he said "the game has started"?

Only warriors above Lingzun have beads of sweat all over their heads at this moment.

Generalissimo Xizhou is too powerful!

Ye Nantian died, and Suzaku, who had contracted with him, fell out of his consciousness.

Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen hurried forward to check on Suzaku's injuries.

Suzaku can emit such a dazzling light with the strength of the holy level, which makes countless audiences covet it.

But Ling Tian and Ye Chuchen are the distinguished guests of Zhongzhou, which many people have heard.They became interested in Suzaku, and no matter how interested others were in Suzaku, no matter how much they thought about it, they could only watch.

Suzaku fell to the ground, her eyes wide open in despair, and she didn't make a sound.

"Come on, take this elixir and it will make you feel better."

Ling Tian squatted beside Suzaku, and delivered the pill to her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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