My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1360 4 Great Divine Beasts

Chapter 1360 Four Great Beasts
Suzaku blinked his moist eyes, did not speak, but opened his mouth trustingly, and swallowed the elixir.

Suddenly, a coolness spread to all limbs.The damaged internal organs are being quickly repaired under the action of this elixir.

"Follow us, okay?"

When Ling Tian was speaking, he put a hand on Suzaku's paw.In his consciousness, Xiaobai's soul power was transmitted to Suzaku.

Hua Lixiao also put her hand on Suzaku's paw, and the power of the Great Emperor was also transmitted to Suzaku's body through her consciousness.

Mu Hun squatted beside Suzaku and covered it with his hands.

Feeling the soul power from the same kind, Suzaku's body trembled.

"Okay." Suzaku said, and the next moment, she transformed into a four or five-year-old girl carved in jade.

"Wo Cao, monster! Ye Nantian's contract turned out to be a monster."

"So what, it's not yours. Shut up, don't let people think you covet other people's monsters."

Ling Tian picked up the girl who had split the jade bracelet, rubbed her fluffy black hair, and said softly:

"Over there is our flying boat, sister will take you to rest in the flying boat?"

"Well, thank you sister." Suzaku nodded timidly, but couldn't help but glance at Mu Hun who was smiling gently at her, but felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

After entering the flying boat, Mu Hun set up a barrier to prevent others from entering.

After that, Xiaobai and the Great Emperor jumped out from Ling Tian and Hua Lixiao's consciousness, looking at Suzaku with bright eyes.

"Big brother... I know you guys, right?"

Although Suzaku was still young and didn't remember anything, she knew that the three good-looking older brothers standing in front of her were different from everyone else.

Mu Hun stepped forward, rubbed Suzaku's head, nodded and said, "Yes, we are different. We are your family, and we are your elder brother."

Little Suzaku glanced at the three men around her, her little pale face slowly turned red because of the injury.

"Brother... brother."

"younger sister!"

Although Xiaobai and the Great Emperor don't remember Suzaku anymore, and they don't remember fighting side by side together, but this doesn't prevent them from recognizing their sister.

Because even if you die once, you don't remember anything, but the friendship that originated from that blood can't be changed no matter what.

After telling Suzaku about her identity, since Xiaobai and the Great Emperor didn't remember anything, although Mu Hun remembered, she kept pretending to have amnesia. No one told Suzaku her original name, so Ling Tian had to give her a new name. He gave her a name and called her Zhu Sha.

After that, Ling Tian took out the last crystal ball containing the soul of the beast, and let Zhu Sha absorb it.

Then he put the cinnabar into his own space.

There is still an inexhaustible amount of soul power in the space, which comes from the nether world.

So when Zhu Sha opens her eyes again and sets foot in this world, she will stand at the pinnacle of this world.

When Ling Tian and his party went out, the battle between Gu Junyan and Wenfeng was ready to start.

Both stood in the air, waiting for Di Wutian to say "the match begins".

Everyone also put aside the matter of Ye Nantian's monster, and began to hold their breath, wanting to see if Wenfeng would still die so quickly against Gu Qianchou.

(End of this chapter)

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