My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1361 Team Competition

Chapter 1361 Team Competition

With the sound of "the match begins", neither Wenfeng nor Gu Junyan moved.

The two looked at each other, but Wen Feng smiled and shook his head, clasped his fists and said, "I heard that Marshal Gu knew a secret method to improve his strength, but I didn't believe it before. But after watching the martial arts contest between Marshal Gu and Ye Nantian, Wen Mou is really ashamed of himself. Marshal Gu is superior in strength, and this commander is willing to bow down."

Gu Junyan also clasped his fists towards Wenfeng, and said very gentlemanly: "Marshal Wen, I accept it."

So in a situation where everyone was surprised, the battle between the two ended happily.

"This king announces that in the first match, Grand Marshal Gu Qianchou of Xizhou scored 20 points, Marshal Wenfeng of Beizhou scored 10 points, and Marshal Ye Nantian of Nanzhou scored 0 points."

There was banter in the audience.

"The face of Nanzhou Continent was swollen."

"Ye Nantian took a group of Nanzhou soldiers to participate in the Three Continents Contest, but in the end he didn't get a single point, and even put himself in it. This is nothing short of stealing money!"

"I think the remaining generals and soldiers are in a state of confusion, and they will never get a good ranking in the ensuing melee."

"So what if they get a good ranking? Even if Nanzhou can score 30 points in this round, it's impossible for Dongzhou to belong to them."

"It seems that Xizhou is going to become a dark horse this time. I heard that Marshal Gu is only at the fourth level of Lingzun, so I thought Xizhou would be crushed by Beizhou this time."

"It's no wonder that Zhongzhou can let Dongzhou's affairs go. It turns out that Emperor Qianzhong has already expected that Gu Qianchou will win the championship of this competition. What's the difference between Xizhou dominating Dongzhou and Zhongzhou dominating Dongzhou? "

"Hey, it's a pity that Emperor Ling Xiao's ambition has not been fulfilled, but his Dongzhou has become Emperor Qianzhong's."

"The former Dongzhou is better. At least in the former Dongzhou, everyone has faith. Have you discovered that since the death of Emperor Ling Xiao, the people in Dongzhou have no faith?"

"Stop talking, keep your voice down. The emperor has already gone, can we small people help him avenge him? Just hang on like this."

"If Dongzhou really falls into Zhongzhou's hands, and Zhongzhou still lets the monsters in, I will go to Beizhou."

"It's time to be together."

Although the voices of the people behind were very low, they could hear them clearly as a group of people above the peak of Lingzun.

If it wasn't for Gu Junyan telling her the truth, Ling Tian would have felt that this was Di Qianzhong's plan.But after she knew that Di Qianzhong had died a long time ago, and that the current Di Qianzhong was just a general from Heaven who wanted to be with Feng Ling, she knew that this time Di Qianzhong was really lying on the ground. .

Di Qianzhong's strength has reached a certain level, and he has no ambition to compete for world hegemony.Basically, as long as you don't provoke him, Di Qianzhong will not bite.

He thought that the entire East Continent had changed beyond recognition after 20 years of brutal baptism, but listening to what those people said, Ling Tian felt that his whole body was burning with flames.

This is her Dongzhou!

She, Feng Yun, and Gu Junyan all came back.

In the future, no one can tell Dongzhou what to do.

The second game of the Tri-Continent Tournament has begun.

15000 people from the three continents of Xizhou, Beizhou and Nanzhou all entered the arena.

Although in the first game, Gu Junyan scored 10 points more than Wenfeng, but in the second game, compared with Beizhou, Xizhou did not have much advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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