My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1362 Forming an Alliance Again

Chapter 1362 Forming an Alliance Again
Because Beizhou is a continent of monsters, most of the high-ranking soldiers in Beizhou are monsters.

Aside from being intelligent by nature, even compared to warriors of the same level, monsters still have their own very obvious innate advantages.That is--

Spiritual attack!

Monster beasts are born with the ability to use their spiritual power to attack the enemy's soul.Some monsters are good at direct mental attacks, and some monsters are good at creating illusions...

Ling Tian felt that the "Soul Attack" in his own space should be obtained by studying the soul attack of monsters.

When the soldiers from the three continents entered the arena, for Yang Wei, all the soldiers burned with spiritual energy.

Under normal circumstances, soldiers from all continents are at the level of Huang Lingsheng.

But in order to participate in this hegemony contest, in order to take Dongzhou into their pockets, all continents have selected elite soldiers.

So when the spiritual power of these soldiers radiated out, the audience found that all of them were high-level green spirit saints and warriors below Qinglinghuang.

The reason why no one belongs to Emperor Qingling is because there are regulations in each continent. Once the strength of soldiers reaches the level of Emperor Qingling, they will be promoted to captains regardless of whether they have the ability to control people.

So almost all the soldiers who came to participate in the hegemony competition this time were high-level or peak green spirit saints.

Although the generals of the three continents did not participate in the melee, Ye Nantian's death and the loss of the first match caused Nanzhou's morale to drop a lot.

No matter how much the generals of Nanzhou encouraged the soldiers to win the first place, the momentum of the soldiers was obviously lower than that of Xizhou and Beizhou.

After all, Xizhou had the highest score, and there were many monsters among the soldiers in Beizhou. They could do nothing but be cannon fodder in Nanzhou.

The party that was doomed to lose can help the other party.

But Wenfeng slapped Nanzhou in the face before the game, and he was not willing to give even a little bit of land to Nanzhou after the victory.

Gu Qianchou directly killed their marshal again during the match, and slapped them in the face even more ruthlessly.

This made Nanzhou really reach an embarrassing situation.

"General, our strength is definitely not comparable to the monsters in Beizhou. In this round, even if we try our best, we will lose. Why do we have to get involved? It's better to admit defeat early and go back home. "

A general in Nanzhou was really puzzled why the general had to encourage the morale of the soldiers in Nanzhou so much.Anyone can see this obvious defeat. Instead of letting these elite soldiers die, it is better to admit defeat and leave.

But the general sneered: "What do you know! There are no permanent enemies in this world, nor are there permanent friends. Once Xizhou wins, it will definitely not take a share of our pie, but Beizhou is not the same.

Although Wen Feng flatly rejected the Generalissimo's alliance, it was before the match. He felt that he was a fifth-level spiritual master and a fifth-level phantom, and he would win, so he was unwilling to accept the alliance.Now that Beizhou has lost 10 points, unless they win the first place, they can draw with Xizhou and have a third contest.

In the beginning, Wenfeng's chances of winning are only 25%. In order to get back to 50%, do you think he will give up forming an alliance with us? "

The general's eyes lit up: "The general is wise!"

"Now you go to the general of Beizhou and tell him that we intend to put aside the past and form an alliance with them."

 Congratulations to Lucky Star on the 2nd floor, what I miss on the 7th floor..., Zidie on the 12th floor won the prize.

(End of this chapter)

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