Chapter 1364

"Nanzhou is really disgusting. This kind of person is not qualified to participate in the hegemony competition. Even if he wins, such a person is not qualified to rule Dongzhou."

"Not bad!"

General Nanzhou: ...! !

"General, what should we do now?" Another general asked weakly.

"What to do? How do I know what to do?! If you don't buy Nanzhou's account, then let's mess up this competition!"

"How to disturb?"

General: ...

This is a battlefield in the first place, a scuffle in the first place, and Nanzhou can't take advantage of it.What are they messing with?

"If you see people from Xizhou and Beizhou, kill them! Don't give them a chance to crush the jade slips."


The soldiers were also speechless after receiving the order from the general.

They are human too, right? !

They are also flesh and blood afraid of death, right? !

Although the soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, the general's order was too hasty.

Without any winning percentage, the best result is that all their soldiers from South Continent withdraw from the competition.Why should they use their flesh and blood to disgust others?

When the scuffle started, General Nanzhou Ming's eyes exuded ruthless sternness, as if he wanted to die with Xizhou and Beizhou.

But what he didn't expect was that at the beginning of the scuffle, all the soldiers from Xizhou and Beizhou came to encircle Nanzhou, and soon fought against Nanzhou.

The general of Nanzhou was almost stunned by the shameless combination of Xizhou and Beizhou.When he saw countless generals rushing towards him, the people who had previously ordered the soldiers to swear to die and live in the other two continents, crushed the jade slips before anyone approached him, Teleported to the outside.

The audience outside the venue let out a cry of sighs when they saw this scene.

Aren't you amazing?
Didn't you let your soldiers rush and kill the enemy with their flesh and blood?

Why did your enemy rush over and run away without even fighting?
The Nanzhou soldiers who bore the brunt felt that even their general was so cowardly, and instantly felt that it was worthless.

They, who were unwilling to sacrifice in vain, crushed the jade slips around their waists one after another.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the Nanzhou soldiers came out, except for those who died in the jade slips before crushing them.

The audience almost died of laughter at this scene, pointing and pointing at the soldiers of Nanzhou.

General Nanzhou couldn't bear to lose face, and snorted coldly. After reorganizing the team, he let all the soldiers get on the flying boat, and without saying hello to everyone, he directly withdrew from the Tri-Continent Tournament.

Gu Junyan and Wenfeng on the side didn't try to persuade him to stay.

After all, this competition is based on the mother-child mirror symbol.In the future, if anyone dares to deny it, they can use the mirror image symbol of the Three Continents Contest to face off.

The West Continent and the Bei Continent almost repelled the entire South Continent without a single soldier, and the rest is the competition between the West Continent and the Bei Continent.

It has to be said that Xizhou has a much greater advantage in deploying troops than Beizhou.Countless Beizhou soldiers fell in the formation of Xizhou.

However, Beizhou is not a vegetarian. Although Xizhou's formation is strong, more than 80% of Beizhou's soldiers are monsters.Countless Xizhou soldiers fell into the illusion and couldn't extricate themselves.

I don't know if Xizhou and Beizhou intend to repair the relationship, or if Marshal Gu and Marshal Wen have a good personal relationship. Anyway, when Xizhou and Beizhou are fighting, most of them just click to stop. Let the opponent crush the jade slips and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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