Chapter 1365

This is a real contest. The soldiers of Xizhou are not as strong as the soldiers of Beizhou in terms of attack power, but the formation of Xizhou makes the audience amazed.

Waiting until the time is almost up, the two sides are still evenly matched, even if they win, it is a miserable victory.

Even the outside audience couldn't tell which side had more soldiers at this moment.

Just a quarter of an hour before the end of the competition, the Xizhou soldiers who were still on the battlefield took out a elixir from their bosoms.

The entrance of the elixir exploded in an instant.

Because they found that the soldiers who were still burning with dark green spiritual power, after each took the elixir, the color of the spiritual power on each of them changed from dark green to dark blue.

What is this concept?
The concept is that all the soldiers in Xizhou now have advanced from the high level or peak of the Green Spirit Saint to the high level or peak of the Qingling Emperor.

A few of them even directly promoted from the peak of Qinglinghuang to Lanlinghuang because of the assistance of the pill.

Although they knew that this was the reason for the elixir, even if the effect of the elixir was gone, the strength of these soldiers was only at the beginning level of Qinglinghuang.


Who will tell them that such a heaven-defying pill that can increase the martial artist's rank by a whole level within a certain period of time, who made it?

Each of the soldiers who stayed on the field had it, and they took it at the same time, so in other words, those soldiers who were sent out also had such pills in their pockets?

Fog grass!

They want it too!
so envious!
Wenfeng, who originally thought that there would be a play-off match, could now stuff a duck egg into his mouth, and couldn't help but whispered: "Marshal Gu, you are going against the sky!"

A smile flashed across Gu Junyan's eyes, looking leisurely.

"Yes, it's an ally, easy to say."

Wen Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew what the other party meant.

"Then Wen X is here to thank Marshal Gu first."

"There is no need to thank you between friends."

At this moment, even Wenfeng began to envy his own prince.

In just one day, the prince's spiritual power has been raised from Huang Lingsheng to the peak of Qinglinghuang. He believes that this precipice is due to his sisters.


It's a pity that he is old, otherwise he would really want to recognize Ling Tian, ​​Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen as his sisters!

Wenfeng raised his hand, and said with strong spiritual power: "Beizhou surrenders."

After the words fell, all the Beizhou soldiers who were still on the field crushed the jade slips and came out.

"I heard that the generalissimo is so virtuous, and this king admires him."

Di Wutian smiled and nodded to Wenfeng, and then announced——

"At the end of the second match, Xizhou has the largest number of people left, with 30 points, Beizhou No.2, with 20 points, and Nanzhou ahem... with 10 points.

In this Three Continents Contest, Xizhou scored a total of 50 points, Beizhou scored 30 points, and Nanzhou scored 10 points.Xizhou wins! "

There was thunderous applause on the stage.

Although most of the people present disgusted Zhongzhou, Gu Junyan's performance made everyone's eyes shine.

What they hoped was that Gu Junyan could become the Great Emperor of Dongzhou, so... they might have to figure it out a bit more.

The much-watched Tri-Continent Tournament thought it would take three to five days, but unexpectedly, it ended in less than a day.

As the champion of this competition, Xizhou will take over the jurisdiction of Dongzhou Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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